Friday, February 25, 2011

Scorpio Man Who Has Been Hurt


Manuel Gálvez in his youth, was one of the founders of the Institute of Historical Research Juan Manuel de Rosas.

been more than 85 years since History Home and official Argentina maintains the conviction handed down by the victors against the time served and ruled the Brigadier General Don Juan Manuel de Rosas, under the grounds that his trial was finally substantiated and concluded.

For various reasons imposed later generations irrevisable obligation to consider that ruling. Besides the anger and passion put into play, it was clear that this approach of historical interpretation about Rosas could not undergo a revaluation process more equitable, in the very moment that the political ideology that this interpretation was used, beginning applicable in the country, was set on a constitution and entrenched in government.

More time elapsed and the fact that the right to review is denied more tenaciously than ever, has led us to wonder whether there is in that blindness is something more serious than just a utilitarian resource or simple political opportunism atavistic passion. And indeed, we noticed that the reason the ban was subordinating the need to avoid strenuous resistance and sacrifices that kept Rose from abroad, when he tried to subjugate our sovereignty, to offer too strong contrasts with some concepts that the generation of 53 was about Argentine heritage and registered in the register of the Constitution.

As the Association does not organize this we will study the Rosas era to illustrate doctrinal beliefs about forms of government, remain beyond our reach a comparison between the political ideals of that generation and the joint operation and practical solutions that Rose makes government a model of realism and political astuteness.

But instead, which by no means be silent patriotism, is that this comparison reveals a significant difference between Rosas and his adversaries, as to how to understand and defend national interests. All the government first, they always had the national will, is a single and more vigorous response to genuine national questions, the needs of the armed defense of their integrity and land, the longing of the Nation at the request of a sovereign state that coverage, and the interpreter, without detracting from their tradition and dignity. His enemies on the other hand, inspired by other political theses, failed to organize an independent state in the strict meaning of the term, leaving open gaps where infiltrated by alien forces and interests contrary to the integrity of their soil and to the enhancement and distribution of their wealth.

Front began to experience the fruits of which 53 notices our time, roses were presented again to the public conscience of Argentina as a target man frustrated by a conspiracy interest and anti-national forces. The patriotic duty to return to that destination, involves thorough consideration of the time were marked out its first and most brilliant directors.

He is mobile, it is the object of our Association.

* First Declaration of the Institute of Historical Research "Juan Manuel de Rosas", adopted by the Assembly General Partner the August 6, 1938.


President: Gen. John B.


Vice-President 1: Dr. Manuel Gálvez

Vice-President 2: Lt. COL. Evaristo Ramirez Juarez

Secretary General: Dr. Ramón Doll

Secretary of Section Publications: Dr. Ernesto Palacio

Library File ID: Mr. Julio Irazusta

Release and Conference ID: Mr. Roberto de Laferrere

Body ID: Dr. Ricardo Font Ezcurra

Members: Dr. Carlos Steffens Soler, Rodolfo Irazusta, Dr. Mario Lassaga Mr. ISIDORE GARCIA SANTILLAN, Mr. Alberto Ezcurra Medrano, Mr. ALBERTO CONTRERAS. Dr. ALFREDO VILLEGAS Oromia, and Dr. Luis M. PAUL BROWN.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Building A Long Travel Sand Car


Monday, February 21, 2011

Free Blueprints For Octagon Table


By Jorge O. Sulé

When we thought the grotesque hallucinations off against Juan Manuel de Rosas, the result of heated political partisanship post Caseros, see emerging from the ashes of the official story some dying embers can no longer shed light on the generalities of a genuine and fair interpretation of the Argentina's history.

anachronistic These embers have been removed from their ashes in the newspaper "Clarín " in its edition of Sunday November 28, 2010 encouraged by the breath of such a denigrating Marcelo Moreno, the author signing.

We will refer to by "sinful" by the author rancher passing on to roses, nor do we refer to the "merciless massacred Indians also lavishes. On the extraction Rose sociological and directionality of their political and economic management and much has been written so the author of the note should be updated regarding relations with the Indians Rosas recommend you consult their own testimonies of the Indians of the time, although we know that the revisionist works were and are largely silenced or maligned before refuted rather than read. So let's stop at a pearl that the author believes he can find to denigrate step tries Rosas and politicking with trying a pathetic history parallels between Videla and Galtieri with Rosas.

is the trial that they were made to federal Reinafe-Governor of Cordoba and his brothers, Quiroga accused of killing occurred in Cordoba on 16 February 1835.

The historical context is: Dorrego and shooting of officers in Buenos Aires, killing the governor of Salta Latorre, murder of Quiroga in Cordoba, plots of the unit to return to power and so on., anarchy in sum. The Chamber of Representatives without hesitation and unanimously appointed governor of Buenos Aires Roses with Sum Public Power, the author ignores context. Rosas also omits to say that demanded the trial of criminals in Cordoba. Omits to say that José Vicente Reinafe, the governor, a day before the murder, he moved to Villa del Rosario preparing his alibi, delegating control in his Economy Minister Domingo Aguirre. Aguirre omits to say that an investigative committee appointed consisting of two employees of the government, one nephew Reinafe Francisco. Omits to say that the committee appointed gives off, and finally a game santiagueña accused. Omits to say that, again José Vicente, still stalling expressing "hope of people yawning over Quiroga late event which I think is in the papers " in a letter to his brother Francisco. There follows the months, the impression was that land was put and all would be forgotten. On 7 August the governor José Vicente happens Pedro Nolasco Rodríguez, José Antonio Reinafe father. It had been six months without a decision. Rose goes into a rage and demands the prosecution of those responsible. Finally, under pressure Roses, Rodriguez announced the arrest of the brothers Reinafe, leaving previously escaped.

Francisco escapes Montevideo, José Antonio Antofagasta, Guillermo is hiding in the mountains. The only people arrested are José Vicente, with the excuse of having representative government, and Santos Perez, the head of the murderous game.

Rodriguez, in a last attempt to save his family, provides for the establishment of a third indictment; further delay. Rosas, with Estanislao López consent requests straight to the provincial congress is elected governor Manuel López. After further delays by Derqui Santiago, chairman of the Cordoba conference is named Manuel Lopez, and it refers to prisoners who have been recaptured in Buenos Aires.

By Order of the provinces, which also fails to tell the hired hack, Buenos Aires through Rosas should try them. Rosas

delegated sentence summary and Manuel Vicente Maza, also fails to detail that the scribbler of yore. Santos Perez confesses followed directives from his superiors, Guillermo and José Vicente and José Antonio blame Francis fled to Montevideo. The defendants named its defenders. One of them presented a letter Marcelo Gamboa. It makes no substantive defense but an indictment of the lack of a written constitution. In his view, the Reinafe could not be tried by a delegation of provincial governors in Buenos Aires and asked to publish his defense. Rosas bother with harsh language "only a bold insolent rogue forensic ... etc. "has been under the guise of exercising a right of defense" a request to publish a letter political propaganda. " Rosas sentenced him to highlight " one by one the lines of its bold presentation "Not to go farther than twenty blocks from the Plaza of the Victoria , not to exercise his profession. " not charge the federal currency " if not fulfilled would be " paraded through the streets on a donkey sky." Gamboa is not known whether served the sentence to emphasize "the lines " ... or more than twenty blocks away, possibly accomplished by being a city whose urban area did not exceed fifteen blocks. But it was not accomplished to not practice their profession because that same year he signed professional writings, including the process followed Reinafe. All this ignores the shift thurifer. Gamboa was not prosecuted or walked in the blue donkey or suffered arrests or police visits in the difficult times of 1840 and 1843. Neither Home Gamboa after some complained about persecution in times of Roses. Maza pronounce finally advising the shooting of Santos Perez, left Reinafe and 17 of the 28 soldiers of the game. Rosas spent the sentencing advisory opinion asking Dr. Lahitte state who asked for confirmation. Proponents, including Gamboa who has been raised inhibition, they asked to commute the sentences. Rosas asked Maza and Lahitte reports that are pronounced by the court but enforcement is advised lowering of the soldiers.

The final decision of October 9, 1836, 17 convicted soldiers are reduced to 3. The 26 of this month, making the execution of murderers of Quiroga.

Mr. Moreno in his note on Clarín lightened things silenced facts and circumstances, contextualizes the story, he used rabbits and disqualified for repeated research and wanted to politick with history.

latter a writer who considers his job not to do and is definitely impossible when you do not know history or politics is played fairly.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Whats A Good Cute Car


Wednesday February 16 8:00 am .

Recoleta Cemetery (Dome of the Quiroga family-Demarchi).

"N or have to make room for the conduct of the wicked to enslave Rivadavia project provinces and make them moan Rivadavia car for this so easily alienate the country in general and also do away with the religion of Jesus Christ "(Juan Facundo Quiroga).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Button Belly Staph Infection


By Ernesto Palacio *

Argentina History teachers warned in official establishments for years, a disturbing phenomenon: the indifference each More and more students to the concepts to be taught. It is useless for those engole voice, it is useless to appeal to patriotism and intend to communicate to listeners who judge healthy enthusiasm for the virtues of Rivadavia and Sarmiento: get, the most, a "succés d 'estimate." The story dictated NOT INTERESTED, increasingly interested in the school population. This is the indisputable fact that currently is often attributed to the influence of doctrines alien or foreign origin of most of the students. "We must clamp down on these children of gringos!" I heard exclaiming in good faith to a teacher, as she applied the retaliation of the postponement. This does not improve things. The phenomenon not only persists, but worsened. Taking into account that Argentina's history students enrolled in the fourth year and are now teenagers with the ability to reason, if one considers that this is the age at which personality is formed and defines the vocations, such indifference acquires exceptional importance. Xenophobic interpretation, with its insidious consequences of civil war, can not satisfy. It is true that our boys, whatever their origin, was uninterested in things pertaining to the country. They are, however, eager for useful truths and are sensitive to all influences intelligent and generous. Must see the attention passionate following, for example, any fair explanation about our vital problems of our foreign trade! Here all indifference disappears and patriotic concern is evident in the expression concentrated, in the contraction of muscles, in the nervous gestures, alluding to the urgency of the great remedies. If such indifference can not be attributed to the alleged cause is undoubtedly to be attributed to the matter itself, as today is dictated. It is known that, apart from the War of Independence, taught anti-English accent, the reasons for excitement offered by our manuals are thirteenth year's Assembly, as amended liberals!, The government of Martín Rodríguez, the Asociación de Mayo so intellectual!, campaigns "liberators" of Lavalle, Home crowning glory-and-chairs of Sarmiento and Avellaneda. Boundary issues, we have not had, we are pacifists. War with Bolivia; but was there such a war? With regard to the eastern border, it is obvious that Brazil has dealt in our favor, and if we had any difficulty was because of the "barbaric" Artigas ... The students are bored to death, not "you are a return to all that ". History. Argentina, "telle qu'on part", it retains nothing exciting, no actual teaching. The arguments legacy to exalt some and condemning others have lost all effectiveness. Nothing we say in front of the urgent problems we face today.
conventional history, written to serve political purposes and outmoded, it smells like a dead thing for intelligence of new generations. The restoration work of the truth, continued with enthusiasm by a growing group of scholars, has come to move the official version, soon to be solemnized in a score of volumes under the direction of Dr. Ricardo Levene. Will undoubtedly be a monument, but a burial monument to enclose a body. You can not persist against the spirit of the times. Given the commitment to teach a dogmatic history, founded on dogma that no one accepts, the new generations have decided not to study history, simply. With something we already won. Nobody knows history, or the 1st real or official. There is not a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer that (except in cases of special vocation) know history. It is because, in the lessons they received, dimly suspect the existence of an enormous hoax.
not go to consider the causes that gave rise to what I call official version of our history and the legitimacy of it, because that would lead us to deal with the fundamental problems of historical knowledge. Simply say that this version has not been independent, that tax remains the one written by the victors of Home, at a time when it was believed that the world was going, undisturbed, toward universal happiness under the aegis of liberalism and that did not suspect that would lead to conflicts industrial revolution, or the expansion of capitalism, not class struggle, or fascism, or communism. Imposed by Mitre and now Lopez has championed the Levene doctor quoted above, which, in my opinion, is highly significant. Concocted to serve the interests of a party within the country, filled with the mission to which it is destined, was the background and rationale for political action our ruling oligarchies, that is, the party of "civilization." Not trying to be independent, strong and dignified, it was to be civilized. It was not us, in any form, masters of our destiny but to follow with docility the tracks of Europe. Not to impose, but to submit. Not to be heroic, but to be rich. Not being a great nation, but a prosperous colony. Create a culture not their own but to copy others. Not having our industries, our commerce, our ships, but give everything abroad and found, however, many primary schools where they teach, just had to resort to this expedient to supplement our own inability. And many universities, where he professed as a dogma that capital is intangible and that the state (notably Argentina) is "bad manager." It was natural to impose these doctrines, not enough to falsify historical facts. Was necessary also subvert the hierarchy of moral and political values. It was held, with Alberdi, that we needed heroes, these being a relic of barbarism, and we would be more useful to industry and the knights of industry, and inner freedom (especially for trade!) Was a rather than the 1st independence abroad. It praised the hero's coat against warlord a1 spear to civilization against the "barbaric." All this eventually resulted in the veneration of the lawyer as representative rate, and effective rule of those who hired the lawyer. With this background and its consequences-a sentimental pacifism and chimeric a vigorous national inferiority complex, we face a world in which these principles have failed. Universal solidarity with the exchange, which postulated liberalism has been broken for good. We live in hard times. The Imperialism of bribery has been supplanted by the imperialism of prey. There must be, or perish. How can they rang hollow official dogma? How can you expect our young people excited about a "long lease" or a genius like that, when they are hitting the 1st eyes political reality of a global crisis, with rise and fall of empires? It is the anguish of our immediate destination that explains the current renaissance of historical studies in our country, with its natural consequence: the exaltation of Roses. Faced with the doctrines of outcasts, a yearning for authenticity against the teachings of delivery, a desire for autonomy, to skepticism, which denies the very virtues to simulate the outside, a great faith in our people and their potential. Current world conditions show that Rose was right and that our future solutions will be found in the principles he defended to the heroism, not the principles of their adversaries, who have brought us to the moral quagmire that we are now stranded to the axis. Just what was said to express that our position is not simply "historiography" and we care very little litigation about cookie that might pose a doctor Dellepiane. The facts are known and in this field, the battle has been fully earned by the work of Saldías, Quesada, Ibarguren, Molinari, Font etc Ezcurra., Which have exposed the unity mystification. Most importantly, he lives today, to my understanding, interpretation and appreciation of the true facts, as developed by some of the above and, primarily, by Julio Irazusta in his short but admirable "Essay." Nobody denies that Rose defended the integrity and independence of the Republic. No one denies that this struggle was an unequal struggle and heroic and ended with a win for the 1st home. No one denies that during the two decades of his rule, should resist external pressure allied with domestic treason, and when he fell, there was already a nation of Argentina. Against such high merits are invoked only objections "ideológcas" promoted by "speculatists" that, according to Burke, are intended to bring the reality to their theories and whose objections are as valid against the worst as against the best government, "because make issue of efficiency but of competence and title. "(1). Faced with this attitude, which means, I repeat, a subversion of values, previously imposed a restoration of undervalued securities. Better if, as believed Alberdi, inner freedom the 1st national independence morally sound if greed that heroism more desirable if the utility that the honor more glorious if found schools that found a home, would be right official history. But the political philosophy and secular experience teach us that people who lose their independence also lost freedoms, that people who lose their honor also lose the benefit. This we know well the Argentines. How should we not turn our eyes anxiously to the memory of the Restorer? Rosas represents honor, unity, independence of the fatherland. Look at the light of principles reasonable Argentina's history shows crucia1es three dates: 1810, year 20, which saw armed reaction against colonial attempt to base the Prince of Lucca, and resistance against a company Rosas similar but more dangerous. If after 53 we remain a nation, we owe Rosas, the union that was clinched during his dictatorship and the subsequent secessionist attempt failed to break. This has been known to their enemy pawns, starting with the same Sarmiento. That being so why not keep you gratitude, how not to admire its greatness? I think this is obvious and those who do not suffer from the perceived inability to perceive greatness in general remain equally impassive, but his legacy passive submission to the trial-to that of a Bismarck or a Cromwell. Proof of this is that it does not go unnoticed by foreign observers to look over our history, like the Mexican Carlos Pereyra and the German Oswald Spengler. The greatness of Roses is in the same order as the Carlyle recognized by Frederick II of Prussia, who "saving his men and gunpowder, a small Prussian defended against all Europe, year after year for seven years until he got tired and Europe left the company as impossible "(2). Germany was his hero statues up in every city. For Germany that is great. We try to outlaw our own and to outlaw also his memory, while they erect monuments to those who gave fractions of the country and we imposed a factory status. Because he was a tyrant ... That is, because he sacrificed his energy and deploy the most of its authority to save the country in the most critical moment in its history, for those who persecuted and had insisted on splitting the country, and did not get another award the satisfaction of having done their duty. It was, as Goethe said, "who was to command and control that it enters his happiness."

befehlem Wer soll
Muss im befehlem Seligkeit empfinlem.

The first obligation of intelligence Argentina today in the rehabilitation and glorification-not-the great leader who decided our fate. This glorification will mark the final awakening of national consciousness. The time is ripe for the restoration of truth, which is rich in consequences, because then the story will awaken an echo in souls, will explain the new problems and communicate to the hearts of our teenagers a legitimate patriotic pride. This is what is now, tragically, is missing. The heroes of history inherited CIVIL represent the heroes and make love (when they do) abstract concepts: civilization, public education, constitutional government. Rose, however, makes us love the country itself, could do without these advantages, but not his integrity or his honor.

(1) Reflections on French Revolution, pg. 164.
(2) Frederick the. Great. T. I, pp. 21.
(3) Faust. Part 2, the 4 th spot.

* Article published in the Journal of the Institute of Historical Research "Juan Manuel de Rosas" , Year I, Issue I. January 1939.