Monday, March 21, 2011

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bibliographic management: managing personal libraries. Course

inaugurated the course bibliographic Managers: Managing libraries personal.

Director: Nicholas Robinson GarcĂ­a. Member of the GI "EC3: Evaluation of Science and Science Communication" University of Granada

Date: 21 al 23 March 2011
Duration: 20 hours

Today March 21, Nicholas Robinson, Director of the course and on behalf of the Andalusian Association of Professionals in Information and Documentation, and Myriam Olmedo, technical IAPH Training Department, inaugurated the course of bibliographic management: managing personal library at the headquarters of the Andalusian Institute of Heritage in Seville.

The syllabus has begun with the conference Scientific communication: scientific articles as vehicles of transmission of knowledge imparted by Jesus Lopez Lucas of the Library of the Faculty of Translation and Documentation University of Salamanca.

Headquarters: IAPH, Sevilla

See View Courses IAPH - 2011 in a larger map


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