Sunday, January 9, 2011


disaffection FERMIN: A PERIPHERY epistemological

By Francisco José Pestanha

"Civilization Unit is resisted stubbornly by the federal Barbarism: here is the fact that Argentina has to be triggering our moral and political struggles during the nineteenth century. Facing the rationalistic Unitarianism stands the idea vernacular and way of life that responds to the real situation of Argentine man and his spontaneous development "

Fermín Chávez

In This time I will refer to a member of our school of thought that - for the speaker - is the most lucid thinker who hosted the Peronist movement in the last century and early now journeyed. I mean time to mate Fermín Chávez.
then I will relate some highlights of his life, since most of them are essential to understand their production, to conclude this lecture with a brief statement about certain aspects of his theoretical and historiographical work.
Fermin Chavez, integrates the myriad of Argentine thinkers recognized as components of a school of thought that, while never organized as such, conceived and developed a mode of thinking that Chavez called himself brilliantly as epistemology of the periphery. I highlight this feature, since in There is a general trend fortunate not frame or classify activities - and in that sense - I warn the younger school of thought that we never aspired to build a framework or a form of organization, not only because of the nuances that distinguish us - but also - for reasons which are historical, methodological, conceptual and generational on any opportunity that will further emphasis.
also clarify something I've said on numerous occasions but unfortunately I have to constantly reiterate the sense that misunderstand and simplify our work, argue that the work that we develop is limited to a rescue melancholy of the past. The major concern of national thought was and is quite the contrary the future. We appeal to the past as rescue and development of a collective historical experience that we value, and in that order, we historicist, but this rescue is always oriented towards the future construction of our desvelares final object.
the other day before a young audience that we claimed a joint analysis, I compared our work with that played by the authors of science fiction, but this comparison is not ridiculous, because when we approach our work concerning reasoning we find timeless and with a clear reference the future. Always put such discussions on Article 40 of the constitution of 1949. On this again that it is time to discuss Chavez Fermín.
Benito Enrique Chávez (Fermín) was born on July 13, 1924 in The Puebito ", a village near the city of Entre Rios Province Nogoyá. Seated with that name in the hall, paradoxically contained in another document "Benito Anacleto", as in mid-1945, had to complete a procedure for correcting the respective heading. Son of Gregoria Urbana native Paysandú Giménez, and Eleuterio Chavez, it will take its first half year country will never forget and that will determine the remarkable simplicity and humility of his spirit.
birth date Fermín not minor detail, since as we will emphasize later, our teacher is a member of a generation of post-Jauretche, Scalabrini, Manzi Irazusta, Doll and Palace, a fact which allowed him to condense some of the main events and ideas of their predecessors.
His father - born in 1880 - was a farmer until 1920 date has to leave the activity. Are the beginnings of the crisis of the agro - exporting began to manifest in the periphery. The small farmers as well, constitute the first victims the crack that will shake the "breadbasket of the world." Don Eleuterio later work as a hairdresser and palm broom maker. In the same decade, Chavez recalled his father manage a small bowling area in the district of "Crucesita." In pure mint
Yrigoyenist, Fermin always caught my attention this political facet of Don Eleuterio, but especially the contact that existed between "The Hairy" and criollaje. His first political memories go back to the campaign of 1928, where he recalls that his father made him get on a table beside the road that crossed in front of the house to yell at the other side live Yrigoyen! "Yrigoyen President / Melo-Gallo to burst." Fermín subsequently interpreted for many Creoles, Yrigoyen represented a kind of reincarnation of leadership. Eleuterio military for Yrigoyenism until 1951. In the elections of 52 later confessed that he voted for Peron.
Meanwhile, Jordan Lopez tradition and their weighting by Leandro Gómez, will Martiniana inheritance from her grandmother, who had been married to James Moreira a man who had joined the troops of Ricardo López Jordán and taken prisoner after the battle of "Don Gonzalo", a battle that may mark the final defeat of the federal troops and where "national" leading Gelly y Obes use the first machine guns on 9 December 1873. The Son of Moreira, James Pantaleon as Chavez himself acknowledged, he had about him a lot of influence because of its historical accounts - and also recalls - the word Martiniana grandmother was "Holy Word" on family privacy.
Once a week the magazine came to Pueblito "Faces and Masks", a publication that fueled the young Fermin readings. The Chávez had no radio, but every so often could be heard in the house of his aunt Vitalia Lopez. For his part, hit 30, was living in house as a drama - and his father came to join the insurgency movement that staged the Kennedy brothers held on January 3, 1932 in La Paz, Entre Ríos.
His first training period, will be closely marked by certain contradictions between the official account of the story that became the School No. 14 - provincial - and historical accounts that circulated within their family. Fermín anyway in an interview acknowledged that establishment, not strictly followed the epic pantheon of heroes enshrined in the "National unanimously" imposed by the generation of 80.
The crisis of the thirties force the family to settle in Nogoyá Chávez. Live one time at his aunt Rosa Moreira. Back to Hometown, Fermin will study at the school 14 and only know the big city "Parana" in 1936, at which visiting her older sister Maria Petrona. Chavez
instances continue to Reginald de la Cruz Saldaña (man of the church to which he is eternally grateful), studies in Cordoba in an apostolic school run by Dominican monks who was oriented to priestly vocations. In an interview with our teacher is recognized that this opportunity was unique, since in Nogoyá at that time had no national school, and Victoria, was only for wealthy families.
Completed high school in Cordoba, will travel to Buenos Aires to study philosophy as a novice at the Convent of Santo Domingo, later leaving for Cuzco with the intention of further training in theology at an international school Dominico.
Your stay in Buenos Aires between 1939 and 1942 will be decisive in his subsequent political and intellectual power, as it corresponds to the "peak" of Catholic culture courses. Chávez recalled that the Chief of the Order - the Father Paez - teach in these courses with, among other - Leonardo Castellani, Alberto Terán Molas, and Cesar E. Pico. In this way, closer to nationalism in an era where in addition the climate of war clearly influenced local politics. In 1941 he published his first poem in "Crucible," an Argentine nationalist newspaper run by Enrique P. Oses. Three years elapse
your stay in Cuzco, when to pass on 17 October 1945, take notice what happened in his country by radio. Fermín return to the country only in October 1946, almost immediately joining the political struggle, financially supported through the good offices of Fernandez who Unsain will join the Journal editorial, "Tribune, a newspaper write-nationalist where among others, Ferran Gilberto Gomes, Luis Soler Cañas Jorge Massetti himself. In his own words journalism gave him "a work discipline that probably would not have gained out of it" (sic).
previously published a poem in tribute to Darwin PASSAPONTI killed on the evening of October 17, 1945 in the journal Tacuara, a publication owned by the National Union of University Students.
respect to its intellectual influences, Fermín recognized as paramount the work of Thomas Aquinas and the teachings of Jacques Maritain and Garrigou-Lagrange. But also will emphasize the influence exerted on him by national authors as Ramón Doll, Ernesto Palacio, the preaching of the newspaper Crucible, and in particular Articles Osés. Nevertheless, in some interviews, has acknowledged the influence of Leopoldo Marechal Leopoldo Lugones and, interwoven with readings of Federico García Lorca, Pablo Neruda and Miguel Hernandez. Fermín
publicly acknowledged at that time prior to Peronism, the only man they knew was WROUGHT Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz, as nationalists and transiting forjistas parallel paths. While nationalism was on the street, the work was rather forjista cultural and conceptual in nature, done that - acknowledge - does not detract from this important historical landmark protoperonista group. He further stated that at that time, there was certainly a nationalist version of inspiration maurrasiana elitist "that corresponds to nationalism emerged during the government of Alvear moment is Captain Juan Domingo Peron and enters the War College." Between 1926 and 1929 - about-will result in the birth of the newspaper "New Republic, then Republican League, where they act figures as Ernesto Palacio, Laferrere Roberto, Federico Ibarguren, John E. Caruso, Julio Irazusta, César E. Pico, Daniel Videla Dorna, etc.. " Republican League - Fermin said at some time - along with the Independent Socialist and Gonzalez Pinedo Iramain, "will impact forces that ended with the last remnants of the prestige of Yrigoyen and radicalism in power" (sic). Fermín
remembered for his party to warn the political failure of Uriburu, some members of this nationalism assume a militant anti-imperialism that will cooperate with investigations by Lisandro de la Torre on the issue of meat, and even accompany action conspiracy radicalism during the Infamous Decade. "All the old nationalism that began to evolve around '35, at the height infamous decade, comes a popular current" hold (sic).
respect to the rise of Perón, Fermín recount some time that "several figures of this nationalism converge to Peronism and oppose others may not wish to Peron, and to reject it rejected the popular movement. These nationalists see Peron as a leader too pragmatic, or, to say the words that were used, not only nationalism but also from the liberal side, as an opportunist who knows how to take care of the historical moment and going forward "(sic). But there are other nationalists come over and inserted into the Peronism as "Alberto Baldrich, still to this day, exemplifies the current nationalist who served in the cultural field rather than the political."
Argentine nationalism for Chavez will evolve and elitist nationalism maurrasiano native will go towards popular nationalism. After 1935 affirm "the importance of nationalism are newspapers and the new elements that come into play by hitting to the regime. For example the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial justice will manifest in some of the time. Manuel Gálvez it "and" some nationalists like Jose Luis Torres, who writes that revealed that General John B. Molina directs the Alliance in 1942 and which are explicit, practically, the three flags of Peronism. " Fermin
Peronism and being the first state trooper and Public Health at the request of Ramon Carrillo, will go to the Press Office of the GGT will assist the official organ of the labor union. In 1950 he meets Eva Peron to join a coterie of young writers and poets who met every Friday at the headquarters of the Home of the Employee. With Evita shared some dinners and gatherings in Aguero's residence and Alvear, and make room under the Perón: Boys Do not yell much we can awaken the general! recalls that when she scolded them raised their voices. In those years also marry Antonia Simó who will have two sons, Fermin (and died in a tragic plane crash) and Simon, a talented musician and photographer. Besides work at the Directorate General of Culture, under the direction of Castiñeira of God.
His first book, "As an old complaint," will be printed in the workshops of the CGT by the role assigned by the Federation of Paper, Cardboard, Chemicals and the like, and the second book, "Two praises two comments" will be published by the Peña Eva Perón. In 1952 after the death of the spiritual Head of the nation, will debut "A tree for up to Heaven," a children's fantasy written by him Membrives directed by Lola, "and between 1953 and 1957 - is also editor of the journal Social Dynamics .
Liberating Revolution happened the response was immediate; publish "Civilization and Barbarism. Liberalism and Cultural Mayanism in Argentina. " Participate in addition to numerous underground publications as "in front", "The populist" and "North."
In 1958, Perón appointed alternate member of the tactical command set to communicate and disseminate Frondizi order to vote, but by refusing to vote on it, is separated from office immediately. In 1960 will enter the Clarín as a simple editor. In 1963 the Justice Party delegate controller of Santiago del Estero - and 1964 - Scalabrini Ortiz Foundation published "Poems of shot and outlaws"
Already in the 70 dictate the terms of Argentina History in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters UBA in 1973 and 1974. As a journalist and columnist also served in Review, Panorama, La Prensa, El Hogar, Crisis, Megafon. According to Henry Manson, "The animosity of Lopez Rega excluded him from the first return" peroniano. " It would be otherwise with the second and final. Fermin had the return journey I had good guidance in the air, and noticed that the plane changed its course to land at Moron. Slow to learn of the events that forced the change "(sic). In 1990 will receive the National Dedication Award by the Ministry of Culture of Argentina, in 1991 dictated the history of thought concerning the Argentine at the University of La Plata, and between 1996 and 1998 Social and Economic History at the Faculty of Social Sciences University of Lomas de Zamora. Fermín
published over 46 books in addition to continuing the work of José María Rosa in collaboration with prestigious authors as Juan C. Cantoni, Jorge Sulé, and Henry Manson. Some of his most notable works are: "Liberalism and Mayanism in history and culture in Argentina" (1956), "Life and death of Lee Jordan" (1957), "José Hernández, journalist, politician and poet ( 1959), "Perón and Peronism in the contemporary history", vol. 1 (1975), "Historicism and the Enlightenment culture in Argentina" (1977), "The recovery of the national consciousness" (1983), "Peron the PJ "(1985)," Because this is another key. Vico Wittgenstein "(1994)," national consciousness "(1996)," Alpargatas and books, vols. I and II (2003/2004), "History of the Argentine nation" (1967). Besides books of poems like the aforementioned "As an old complaint," published among others "A province of the East" (1951), "Poems with guns and outlaws" (1964), and has always held a detailed analysis of the gaucho as sign of popular culture. In this sense, more recently, in 2004 published "History of gaucho poetry anthology" work of seven hundred pages which brought the work of more than eighty poets.
So far, an overview of the life resumidísima Fermin Chavez. But although not strictly constitute the object of this conference - in the last fifteen minutes - I will put forward some ideas that are part of what we might call the conceptual framework on which Chavez his intellectual development. I say only some of the ideas, since the production of Fermin has been so vast that it would be impossible to give a single lecture or even the wording of the content of his work.
remember the above in that it belongs to a generation Fermín later than the Scalabrini, Palazzo Manzi, Taborda, Anquin and Jauretche fact that you will - among other things - getting to know, preparing and packing their production. Fermín Chávez
coincide with Arturo Jauretche eg, regarding the existence in our country of a superstructure with a consolidated alienating cult import mechanism - criticism of ideas, concepts and products installed in our cultural elites. Among these ideas, the Enlightenment is seen as an ideology Fermín historical dependence. For Chavez, after the defeat of Rosas at the Battle of Caseros and the subsequent defection of Urquiza, was devoted in the power elite of our country erected at the time of European ideas (taken closed book) that under the banner of civilization and barbarism tried to "civilize" the country "barbaric." This sociological phenomenon of nature to the consolidated over time by installing it in the various levels of the education system was transformed into a strain of ontological nature, as certain provisions and losses, were expanding in vast sectors of society. So Fermín insisted that the Argentine crisis are first "traits, then the ethical, political, epistemological, and only finally economic ". In short, one of its main lines of research in our teacher was oriented towards the analysis of the mechanisms of cultural colonialism and its aftermath, including the dissociation between the elites 'enlightened' and the people.
Another contribution Fermin important was the critical evaluation of the conceptual contributions of the various aspects of Argentine nationalism, the formation of the national popular and humanist doctrine that under Peronism. Fermín The approach that makes the theoretical yield of nationalism and its evolution towards he calls "humanist stamp National People" are essential not only to understand the first but at that stage Peronism in Argentina's history. Meanwhile
historiographical legacies were to be achieved. Not only known about the Chacho Peñaloza Lopez and Jordan, but also those published with Joseph Hernandez to Juan Manuel de Rosas and other forgotten characters of our culture. His book about Lee Jordan is a before and after entrerriana historiography, and the consequences of this text, it is still remarkable.
agree with many that the great contribution of Fermín, is oriented toward understanding of Peronism as a political phenomenon, sociological and cultural. At times like current where many authors have focused their pencil to the comprehensive analysis of Peronism - for us - it will be incomplete if not addressed fully the corpus which is the production of Chávez, reiterating in this regard that Fermin was the greatest thinker who harbor Peronism in the last century and early lag. Lastly
and regretting that the time is a tyrant and forces me to conclude, I introduce them into a thesis on which I recently special reference. I mean one that maintains that poetry gaucho, tango was reincarnated in the outskirts and then in certain versions of rock. For that reason, emphasized this position? As set forth above after Home and Pavón, begins to take root in our country a cultural and academic superstructure alienating. And I say alienating as this superstructure was fueled by cultural and ideological imported products, thus creating a disconnect between the elites and the people.
While the elites try to impose the "contents" civilizing the people will resist this imposition alienatoria through the production and dissemination of cultural products of their own, authentic and traditional with a clear imprint. Thus, the first gaucho poetry, tango outskirts of course, and certain versions of the national rock form Fermín milestones for resistance against such imposition, reincarnated elements each other.


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