Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Gay Clubs Are 18 And Over In Nj


Emperor Mutsuhito. Samurai.

For José Luis Muñoz Azpiri (h)

In memory of Maurice Moses Prelooker

"Better to light a candle than curse the darkness"


For many years is commonplace among the analysts of coffee, "the famous maxim of a Nobel Prize in economics declared: "There are four classes of countries in the world: Development, Underdevelopment, Japan and Argentina the ", implying that a country of great human and material resources has nothing and that another, subject to the adversities of the geographical environment and the tragic events of his story has it all.

The phrase has passed to join the long list of judgments autodenigratorias with which the "intelligentsia" and their spokesmen that pontificate about the "harmful" historical experience of popular actors and stigmatize us as representatives of the archaic thinking or remnants of outmoded ideologies and destroyed by the winds of globalization debatable. They fail to note that Japan could become a modern country because it was atypical, because they clung to their traditional institutions remained unswervingly for its own national identity.

Development Japan was characterized by an extremely high rate of accumulation, especially of productive capital. The reinvestment reached the third part of the product in the long period of prosperity that followed World War II. Japanese capitalism was essentially austere, not only in the upper strata, but in the whole population

military spending, which previously accounted for 7% of GDP, were reduced to negligible levels from the government of General Mc Arthur. Moreover, the same Japanese government imposed land reform more advanced than some reformers had hoped. The dismantling of the forces armed freed many technicians, who started modest companies later reached gigantic proportions. The government and private enterprise joined massively Western technology, especially systematic sending people to train abroad. But he reneged on their own values \u200b\u200band renounced his history and tradition. MNCs were admitted only if Japan could take them and compete with them.

But Why should the austerity of Japanese capitalism?, "Some people are fated to build foresight and others to waste by their national or genetic determinism?, Is there any historical fatalism leading some nations to prosperity and others to poverty and dependence?

Digging the past

In 1543, a Portuguese merchant ship bound for China was wrecked at sea and after several weeks of drifting ran aground on Tanegashima island in the southern tip of Kyushu. The crew were rescued by the islanders, who repaired the Portuguese ship so they could return to their homeland. The Portuguese, very grateful, did a demonstration of "tubes black roaring fire throwers and simultaneously provide the target with a distance of more than seventy feet. " The feudal lord of Tanegashima was amazed by the precision with which the bullets hit the target and bought two copies in exchange for a substantial amount of money. They were the first rifles that met in Japan.

few years later, the Portuguese returned to Japan bringing many guns trying to sell well, but the price achieved was less than expected level. After several days of frustration, the Portuguese discovered in the Japanese market and were selling lots of guns manufactured by the Japanese. It turned out that the Lord of Tanegashima (Tokitaka, 1528-1579) to buy the two guns, ordered his subordinate, Kinbei Yaita, finding an effective way to play. Kinbei dismantled the guns and the professional help of sword smiths have mastered the methodology to make them.

The manufacturing technique of rifles was sent to Sakai (at that time was the commercial center "industrial" in Japan. It is located next to Osaka). Blacksmiths specialized in producing the famous Japanese sword master the secrets of how to forge steel and thermal treatment most appropriate to increase the resistance of the metal. They had their workshops around Sakai and began to manufacture the rifles better than the originals in terms of accuracy and quality of heat resistance.

At first, the traditional feudal lords did not recognize the true value of the guns. The weapons considered cowardly and unworthy of a samurai and refused to give them a rightful place in military strategy. But the history of Japan was changed drastically after the battle of Nagashino in 1575, whose protagonists were not famous knights in armor, spears and swords, but unknown rifle.

This episode, and later, in the charming and essential book of Kanji Kikuchi: "The source of power. History of a nation called Japan "(Sudamericana. 1993) mandatory reading for anyone who wants to approach the spirit of Japan. With this incident, begins a four-century struggle against the attempts of the "eastern barbarians", ie the West.

A hierarchical society

to 1867 was in Japan a dual power structure. The emperor, based in Kyoto, summed up the religious authority and the sanctification of the social hierarchy, titles and powers as granted nobility but lacked real political functions. The real power was in the hands of big feudal lords, the daimyo , including excelled Tokugawa, who gave his name to this period. The emperor was a character with no real power, relegated to a symbolic role, essentially religious. The real head of government was the shogun , equivalent to the chamberlain of the palace of the Franks, who held a position also hereditary.

Serving daimyo was s military caste samurai and, at the base, farmers ( no), artisans (ko ) merchants (sho ) and the underclass ( hinin " nonhuman), all despised and by failing to exercise the warlike activities, and subject to stringent rules on clothing, riding ban, etc.

The daimyo and professional warriors, the samurai , combined a diffuse loyalty to the emperor and the old institutions with a ruthless exploitation of peasants, whose situation was so desperate that led them frequently to mabiki (infanticide) in order for the surviving children could continue feeding.

Westerners repeatedly tried to set foot in Japan, although Hogun s - in a desperate attempt to cut all ties with the West - came to prohibit the construction of oceangoing vessels and punished with penalty death the arrival of foreigners. But everything changed with the imperialist penetration: in 1853, four black-painted boats led by the American Commodore M. C. Perry (1794-1858) appeared on the Bay of Tokyo (then Edo) and demanded the opening of Japan. The reason?, Believe it: whales.

Back then, Japanese ports were needed as refueling bases for American whaling ships. Americans, conquering the western frontier, came to California. The U.S. population was booming and demand for whale blubber, a lot of oil from the era, such as lamp oil and raw material to produce food and soap, grew more and more. At first, Americans hunted whales in the Atlantic Ocean, but to exterminate them (the whales of the Atlantic), moved to the Pacific and soon became the owners of the North Pacific Ocean. Whalers left their base in California and took to the Hawaiian Islands as a base for refueling. According to statistics of 1846, American whalers in the Pacific totaled 736 and the annual production of whale oil reached 27,000 tons.

These whales chasing whaling ships sailed from the Bering Sea to the north coast of Japan. Entering the nineteenth century, American whalers appeared several times on the Japanese coast, asking for food and water supplies, in addition to fuel. Because the autonomy of these whaling steamer sailed was not enough for a trip that will demand more than five months. Get refueling base in Japan or not, was of vital importance to improve the productivity of these factory vessels. However, local authorities of small fishing villages automatically rejected Japan's whaling ships and even allowed them to disembark. For them there was no reason for discussion to follow the order of the Magna Carta jealously respected for centuries by their ancestors. Nobody cared why the isolation. Not to deal with foreigners was just a game rule that had to comply under pain of death, period. The Privacy Act and formed part of being Japanese. [ [1] ]

Commodore Perry returned to Edo Bay the following year (1854), this After seven black ships of war, and reached the proper distance to the scope of its modern guns pointing to the castle and the city of Edo, and again demanded the opening. The Tokugawa Shogunate, completely scared, signed the agreement of friendship with America, giving two ports as a refueling base for its ships: Shimeda and Hakodate.

Thus, the isolation of Japan lived from the early seventeenth century was raised to the power of Perry's squadron. That year, arrived at Japan's first American Consul General, Mr. Harris (1804-1878). The mission of Mr. Harris was the final signing of the bilateral Free Trade Agreement with the Government of Japan. Immediately achieved similar concessions England, Holland, France and Russia.

This helped to discredit the Shogun and the Emperor, supported by a part of the nobility, of samurai controlling the army and fleet, and some powerful banking families, deposed the Shogun, destroyed the territorial power of the feudal nobility and imposed a centralized system: a ministry of fifteen members, unified armed forces , taxes, national administration and justice.

The cry that arose in Japan, however, was Isshin : return to the past, we recover the losses. It was the opposite of a revolutionary attitude. It was not even progressive. Attached to the cry of "restoring the Emperor," came the "thrown to the barbarians", also popular. The nation supported the program back to the golden age of isolation, and the few leaders who recognized how impossible it was to follow such a path were killed for their renovation efforts.

With the same dogged determination with which for four centuries had refused all contact with foreigners (except the curious exception of the Dutch, who were tolerated, but confined to an artificial island), the Japanese took to the adventure beat the western with its own weapons. It accused the shogun - one of whose titles was "Generalissimo ruler of the barbarians" - of being unable to prevent the national humiliation, was forced to resign and sparked a tsunami named "Meiji Restoration ."

Meiji Restoration

since 1867 occupied the imperial throne, a boy of fifteen, Mutsuhito, who adopted in 1868 to designate his reign the name of the year course, Meiji ("enlightened rule"). Scholars of the national cult ( Shinto ) had won much support for his view that Japan was a country top, by having a imperial house founded by the Sun Goddess These lessons - which were actually the Japanese national doctrine - were rescued by the feudal lords of southwestern Japan, which want to weaken the institution of the Shogunate to impose his own authority.

When the state is configured as such, from the accumulation trade, things like religion (cultural transformation of animism, according to some anthropologists), is incorporated into the state order as regulatory consensus.

got up and the banner of "return to the old" ( fukk ) and the young samurai, violent anti-foreigner - who had been linked extensively to one another through years of training in the academies of the sword and who were often poor - joined in the side of the daimyo south, and overthrew the shogun last , handing power to the emperor teenager, whose name had made the whole movement .

In 1868 the principal lords feudal were summoned to Kyoto Imperial Palace, where he proclaimed the restoration of imperial power. The following year the capital was moved to Tokyo, and began the construction of modern Japan.

By 1889 he had created a constitutional monarchy highly oligarchic, with two chambers: the peer, Life, appointed by the emperor and elected by the large landowners, and the deputies, elected by the people who pay census ( 500,000 over 50 million making up the total population. The direct support of the regime it was the military caste.

Such changes did not affect the status of agricultural laborer, fiercely exploited, and were accompanied by the brutal impoverishment of small peasant proprietors, who had to sell and mortgage their land. Neither is completely avoided the tensions between the military caste and the new bourgeoisie. But the samurai structure, acting on the existing capital and highly centralized power, gave rise to a development advancing rapidly, which benefited from the exodus of ruined peasants and agricultural workers, pushed by poverty into cities, where they formed a vast army of cheap labor.

allowed the centralization of power that instead of the traditional laissez-faire of Western capitalism, the institution of a strong state capitalism, which by association with the new oligarchy, led to a rapid trustificación, both in banking and industry. The state created and modernized the iron industry, steel and textile companies, then cediéndolas individuals. Banking institutions were created in imitation of U.S. and Japanese traders, supported by the state, displaced foreigners.

called Meiji period meant well in a few years the structure of a capitalist society centralized, monopoly, militarism, which produced at very low costs due to economics of labor. They were given all the conditions for Japan to be launched to imperialist expansion and territorial conflict with other powers, and primarily with Russia, which should settle their hegemony over the Pacific Rim. [ [2] ]

Pillars of Transformation

revolutionary traditionalist leaders were convinced that the strength came from Western countries three factors:

1) the constitutionalism which gave rise to national unity.

2) The industrialization, which provided material force

3) A well-trained army. The new slogan was "rich country, strong arms" ( fukoku-kyohei).

Based on these premises

launched dramatic reforms in a short time meant the liquidation of the entire structure of feudal society. First were forced major daimyo to reverse their properties to the throne, which was treated as the owner of any Japanese land. The feudal lords, in a first stage, were appointed governors of their former fiefdoms.

But that was short lived. In 1871 the governor- daimyo were summoned to Tokyo, were given a title of nobility, Western style, and took their positions, while declaring officially abolished feudalism. The 300 estates were converted into 72 prefectures and three metropolitan districts.

No less determined was the campaign against social stratification that had prevailed during feudal times. It was easy to award degrees and generous pensions to the great feudal lords, but much more difficult to relocate more than two million samurai and other dependents, no money and no land. To whom it was granted a pension equal to some of his former allowance, and when the delivery was too heavy a burden on the finances, they were replaced with treasury bonds, and low interest inconvertible. Were also banned carrying swords and continue to show your property queue.

pensions and bonds soon faded, as inflation ate much of their value. Moreover, the samurai lacked the capacity to adapt to new conditions. In 1873, the final blow: it instituted mandatory conscription, which the samurai lost their traditional monopoly of military service. There were riots, of course, but were suffocated. The most famous being that of Saigo .

runaway horse

After Meiji Restoration, the samurai who fought to overthrow the feudal system warned that had been used and that the award had been unemployment and the loss of all privileges. The inability to carry katana or clothing that had characterized it for centuries, compounded by the obligation of having to travel to Tokyo (formerly Edo) to the abandonment of traditional castles and separation of their subjects. It was the price to pay for modernization that considered a betrayal of traditional values \u200b\u200band national and slavish imitation of everything foreign.

Saigo Takamori, who was Supreme Commander of the Royal United Forces that defeated the Shogunate, emerged as its own gravity leader of the discontented.

By this time like the present, Russia insisted upon in making warm in southern ports, which would not freeze in winter (This was one of the main causes, but the main one, of the invasion of Afghanistan), in somewhere in the Bay Yellow Sea or the Korean coast. Thus the Russian Empire was interested both in Manchuria or Korean Peninsula to Japan considered vital to his defense. Saigo attempted military solution to the two sides taking advantage of the latent energy of the samurai now unemployed and planned the invasion of Korea. The rejection triggered plans Satsuma rebellion of 1877.

was the last major armed protests against the reforms of the new Meiji government, and especially against those who posed a threat to the samurai class to end their social privileges, reducing its revenues and hinder its traditional lifestyle. Many Satsuma samurai who in 1873 left the government with Saigo, resented the rejection of this proposal to invade Korea and the reform process, which seemed to ignore their interests. The rebellion finally emerge in January 1877, ending with the suicide of Saigo. Tradition has it that killed himself by committing seppuku traditional (harakiri) along with three hundred of his later followers. With

Saigo, samurai died force as a political force. But the image left, idealized and embellished, was revived immediately after death as a symbol of ethics of the people. The honorable spirit of the samurai and noble souls began looking for a place in the hearts of ordinary citizens in Japan. Today we venerate his memory along with the legends of the Marine Tsushima, General Kuribayashi in Iwo Jima or the 300 Kamikaze pilots of World War II .

With slight variations, this episode was recounted in the novels of Yukio Mishima, the films of Kurosawa or the Hollywood version of "The Last Samurai."

How to generate capital without borrowing

The abolition of the feudal lords and the expropriation of their feuds made it possible to discard the old system of land tenure and institute a regular and reliable tax system . Leaders of modern Japan were convinced that only they could and should rely on their own resources . To obtain not hesitate to declare a cash tax of 3% on real estate values, for which was made previously, in 1873 agricultural census, determining their valuations on the basis of average yields in previous years. This census also allowed to grant land titles to peasants, who were free from all feudal jacks, giving them full freedom to choose their own crops.

All these measures required a certain time, and as involving fundamental changes, there were moments of great confusion and frequent mismatches, which provoked peasant uprisings and demonstrations. However, delivery owned by farmers, along with the vigorous measures taken by the new regime to promote technological progress and adopt new fertilizers and selected seeds, finally produced a huge increase in agricultural production. On these bases were built modern Japan, which spent three decades of his harmless wooden warships a powerful fleet, which Admiral Togo sank in the Straits of Tsushima (1905) to the entire Russian Baltic fleet, who came to the Far East to try to lift the blockade Japanese.

The land tax and the issuance of paper money backed by real estate values \u200b\u200bdeveloped during several decades the main source of Japanese government.

Throughout its history, Japan has only made use of English loan and a half million pounds.

Thus, within a generation, and armed only with their own forces, Japan became a great power. Note to assess what has been done, the extreme poverty of Japanese territory, which requires both the sea and depend on land for food. The alternative was to become a European or American colony, to which Japan seemed destined for their lack of material resources and lack of technological tradition. Elected another way.

Japan proved that an Asian people was able to develop technical and industrial advances held by Westerners, and then militarily confront them, even defeating, as with Russia. Japan, as an example showing the lie west of superiority based on race or hidden spiritual qualities, had the sympathy of the nascent nationalist movement, both Chinese and Indian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Burmese, Malay or Filipino.

"Fake or endogenous creativity?

Self-management and Is imitation really polar opposites? A country wishing to accelerate their industrialization must be able to reconcile both aspects, as evidenced by the Japanese experience.

Meiji government in 1875 launched the first modern factory manufacturing iron, Kamaishi, under the supervision of a British engineer. For twenty years there had operated small ovens, built under a design also abroad, but foreign engineers. The ovens had financial difficulties, but technically they had succeeded. However, the government ignored this traditional technology, preferring the British methods. The results were disastrous. After one hundred days ended in coal. After a while they resumed production using coke. But this resulted in the freezing of iron and coke in the furnace and, thus, was the closure of the entire plant.

technological and historical research indicates the following three causes of failure: there was a wide gap between the modernity of the technology underlying the new furnace and charcoal old-fashioned way: the location of the furnaces and the system total transport were not adequate to provide fast raw materials and the design of the furnace itself was fundamentally flawed. Moreover, the operation was run by foreigners who did not take into consideration the characteristics of iron ore and coal Japanese. Must be added a fourth cause, namely the Western veneration he felt the government. This initial failure to establish modern iron industry in Japan clearly demonstrates the dangers of importing technology without paying attention to local conditions, and also shows the advantage dela domestic technology, ie its preference to be given to local conditions.

If we examine attempts above to create a modern manufacturing sector of iron, can turn to the history of the cannon foundry. Here we find what can be designated as the "model of self / imitation," which might prove a valuable example for developing countries today. Hearth furnaces in Saga, Kagoshima, Nirayama, Tottori and Hagi were based on a book all in Dutch. There was a long process of trial and error: only half the iron is melted, the guns burst at the first shot, etc ... But you should not overlook the fact that, in the midst of countless failures had steady progress. In fact, in just a few years all the initial problems had been overcome and the end of the Edo period (1600 -1868) had been built about two hundred guns, including three with Spiral Scratch, which was the latest development in contemporary Europe. Despite many failures, the speed with which assimilated the new technique seems surprising exogenous. There have been many debates about the reasons for this speed, but special interest here is the position taken by Professor Shuji Ohashi: Using his detailed studies of iron metallurgy in the late Edo period, the teacher has shown Ohashi three different stages in the formation of technology cannons cast in Saga. Each of these stages had its own counterpart in European development.

The first stage was the casting of brass cannon. In Japan, this period lasted from 1842 to 1859, while in Europe the same technology had remained at the stage of the bronze until the mid-seventeenth century. In both places, was the historical basis for the casting of guns later. In Japan, this second stage of smelting iron cannons took place between 1851 and 1859 and corresponded to a breakthrough that took place in Europe since the mid seventeenth century to the mid-1850. The third stage, in 1863, focused on the ability to make molten steel rifled cannon. This stage corresponded to the European development since 1840. It should be noted that although each stage covered only a short period of time, Saga had been exactly the same stages and in the same order as Europe.

In this development, they relied not only on his own experience in cast bronze cannons, but also in many other achievements of local science and technology, such as the production of refractory brick, the use of energy Wheels, local Japanese arithmetic and, above all, the whole of domestic technology of manufacture of iron. The artisans had long made weapons such as swords and guns, and agricultural implements such as rakes, sickles of pig iron and steel. The temperature of the oven were comparable to the blast furnace. Thus, craftspeople had a remarkably high level in the art of forging and casting, and were well informed about the behavior of cast iron and various other materials at high temperatures .

Without solid support local technology and their own experiences in the preceding technologies, can not expect the success of any attempt imitation. This is beyond you doubt. But could have reached the same result without any imitation?. No doubt, but possibly very slowly. Attempt to imitate the Western model certainly encouraged.

Exactly because their attempts to cast cannons were an imitation of exogenous technology, these attempts were accompanied by new problems previously unknown. The resolution of these required a technological skill level higher than they had actually accomplished engineers. Fortunately, the gaps that were there were ever small enough to overcome them. But due to the presence of these gaps, increasing their skills can best be described as a series of "jumps" instead of how a simple progress.

Japanese technological development and has known many jumps, one of which usually is considered as date of birth of the modern iron industry of Japan: the first of December 1857 the first fire was lit blast furnace in Kamaishi, a coal oven once again relied on one book above. It is clear that outside of these jumps, there were failures, but they were important as they prepared the Japanese engineers for the next jump. This feature (ie, a series of small jumps) of Japanese technological development is extremely important for developing countries today. To the extent that emerging countries seek to achieve the same level of technology developed in a shorter period of time, development plans must necessarily be designed as a series of jumps.

social problems related to the technological leaps should also be interesting for countries that start their own development. The technical jumps must be viewed in its social and historical contexts. Well, although it is a technological achievement, each hop has always been an inseparable part of any social movement in history. The first break came from the turmoil that began with the social impact caused by Opium War and the emergence of Western warships and ended with the fall of the Edo government. Many guns cast at that time were fired Tokuwaga government and against Western squads. The second step, of course, was associated with the great social change after the Meiji Revolution , and the third international tension between the Russo-Japanese. Later, also events Historical remained the incentive of the jumps.

Generally speaking, in Japan where it always had success in using nationalist passion created by periods of agitation, and use it as a driving force for technological leap. This remains true. For example, Japanese leader made full use of the oil crisis in 1973 to to create a sense of urgency that could exploit to the full development of energy-saving technologies.

regard to nationalist sentiments to help build a technological leap, an especially interesting Japanese science and technology is the period between the two world wars. The First World War the Japanese was very impressed with the virtues of science. More specifically, had suffered various types of deprivation because we had to stop certain imports, and admired the Germans for inventing the substitute materials under similar circumstances, thanks to scientific ingenuity. The trend began with this war was the "science resources, science meant to secure the resources and the invention of substitutes, as well as the science of" material resources. " The problem that Japan had faced during the war was a "technological dependence" similar to what can now be seen in the peripheral countries. Consequently, later stressed the independence of Western technology. [ [3] ]

respect to their own culture, the key to Japanese success

How can a society react to the influences of exogenous and endogenous development potentials? The fact that the two go hand in hand has been shown repeatedly throughout history. As we have seen, the same Japanese experience proves it: Japan failed when he tried to simply import the knowledge, without taking into account the specific conditions. And even Europe had borrowed and had built since the early age of this millennium Europe learned a lot of highly advanced science and technology to the cultural Arabic, Indian and China. This process included many examples of imitation and borrowing. But, once rooted in European culture, these exogenous factors allowed the emergence of latent energy in the European domestic conditions. And Europe began to develop rapidly.

On the industrialization of Japan, there are the excellent studies by Professor Kazuko Tsurumi, which rejects the view that sees science and technology as independent entities in the culture of any society in particular. Each culture has its own traditional ways of knowing and doing . This means that there is a conflict between any given technology and local culture of the country that borrows, conflict can not be solved but at the time the technology has been integrated into the culture. Professor Tsurumi investigated the conflicts in the local technology manufacture of iron in the Meiji period in Japan. This approach recommends itself as a method tecnosociológico. If we compare the various conflicts caused by technology imports in some countries, we find many clues to understanding the relationship between technology and social culture. However, when comparing China and Japan, Professor Tsurumi always seems to regard the self in a favorable and positive, referring to imitation in negative terms. But it would be impossible for developing countries to achieve industrialization without imitating or borrow technology. Such is the case in our industry metalmetalúrgica agricultural application.

A capitalist country


Like Russia, Japan was late capitalist development. But unlike that, after the Meiji Revolution 1867, the feudal system was exceeded by very fast, first, on the other, also unlike the Russian bourgeoisie, Japan, supported by a strong State capitalism, managed to tightly control the process by excluding the presence and penetration of foreign capital.

The modernization of Japan, which occurred in this manner, virtually skipped the period of capitalist competition, passing almost directly from feudalism to monopoly capitalism. Meiji Restoration (1868) Japan became a modern country, although atypical. Actually, we should note that could become a modern country because it was atypical because they clung to their traditional institutions remained unswervingly for its own national identity.

That independent spirit was evident in all areas. With regard to Japanese industrial development, it was completely self-financed and the Nipponese did not request the slightest credence to the West. The state-controlled banks and widely provided by funds from the collection of land tax , provided all the capital needed to create heavy and light industry. Once consolidated the great families (zaibatzu ), equipped with enormous economic and political power, and integrated in some cases by relatives and friends of the Meiji leaders, they were delivering industrial plants. The development has had an impressive pace, but thanks to the very low standard of living of the population.

At the same time, there was a profound political revolution - religious. An imperial decree of 1890, which amalgamated Confucian and Shinto elements, set the educational policy of the new regime. Feudal loyalties were replaced by loyalty to the nation , embodied in the mythical figure of the emperor, as a patriotic duty inescapable. It instilled in all walks of the ideal samurai of honor and loyalty, which thus became the heritage left by the old dominant clans. Effect was also clearly in reverence for the elderly - a typical feature of every archaic culture - and the older statesmen, after leaving public office, formed a kind of gerontocracy, forming an advisory council adamantly kept the continuity and consistency of Japanese politics.

could not understand anything of what happened in Japan in the last hundred years without bear this inextricable mixture of old and modern . And let us say it clearly: that a country must fully perform its destiny and national tradition, that is, must have as a reference point their future and their past.

In these terms we can understand what happened in Japan. In that country remained fully alive, barely covered by a layer weak feudal, archaic culture, which binds man to his country and himself, that society denies that the Western world because it touches too closely, or that relegates the people he calls "primitive" (see the works of Pierre Clastres). Meiji Restoration rescued and led to the upwelling of two basic aspects of this society, very special historical conditions of this isolated island nation:

1) loyalty to the imperial institution , which had been synthesized and symbolized all the spiritual archaic village and

2) hatred of the barbarians ie toward Western civilization, which is not wrong at all, because that civilization represented a clear threat of destruction of all its core values. [ [4] ]

Civilization and Barbarism

Why the Japanese could reinforce their existence as a nation under pressure from all colonial potential?

disagree completely with reductionist explanations of some "analysts" who attribute Japan's development of imitative and pragmatic spirit. This, explanation, elemental way, it attaches to a supposed ancient civilization glare technology and Western culture, there is, as we have seen, face to face with reality, with the history of Japan. There is nothing that one of the many manifestations of Western ethnocentrism.

avoided being crushed Japan and imposed its presence as a nation because they withdrew into their own traditions, which rest on the unshakable foundation of the archaic culture, growth indispensable for a well organized community .

Thus was established, as stated above, the herald of the national claims of other Asian nations. He did it because from their own values, in full force, he put everything else to national reconstruction after being the only people on earth to suffer an atomic attack, he accepted a total austerity, dismissed all the superfluous and armed only with their own forces are placed in two decades at the forefront of the industrial powers.

understood that the question of "civilization and barbarism" so dear to the thinking of our liberal, who came to importing American teachers did not even know Castilian and brandished the slogan for a savage campaign of ethnic cleansing with montoneras the interior, which is civilization and barbarism own it strange. And warn countries that have effective defenses against the imposition of thought attempted only by the massive bombardment of the media course which offers a rational and efficient world. "An air-conditioned hell we want to sell and happiness" said Julio Cortázar. Rationalism has made a vicious assault irrational against man and nature and effectiveness resulting in crisis and endless wars.

As Japan. We must assert our own values \u200b\u200band our own essences are more transcendent, because we own the accurate axiom of Le Corbusier: "What remains, in human endeavors, is not that useful, but what moves"

[1] Kikuchi, Kenji. "The Origin of Power. History of a nation called Japan "Buenos Aires


[2] Benedict, Ruth "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword ." Madrid. Alianza Editorial. 1974

[3] We have some data from Dr. Tetsuro Nakaoka Metropolitan University, Osaka

[4] Prelooker, Moses Mauricio "austere History of Capitalism." In "Aletheia" # 2 Bs July 1984

Friday, January 21, 2011

Iphone Southpark Online


By Enrique Manson

The 1978 civil-military dictatorship who had been baptized National Reorganization Process was in his prime.

The guerrillas were liquidated. Combatant capacity actually no longer existed in March 1976, but by mid-'78 hunting dissidents had successfully passed the test, and the dungeons were full of disappeared.

June 25, a jubilant Videla was delivered in a packed stadium of River, the crown of world champions Daniel Passarella. As I said Massera, the victory showed that Argentina was to great achievements.

economic management of Martinez de Hoz seemed to work in full swing, leaving the "decadent intervention state ", according to the super minister, had slowed to Argentina for decades. Politicians demonstrating progress in accordance with management. They had said at the first anniversary of the abduction helicopter transport of Isabel Peron, men like the radical leader who proposed "a solution to the Portuguese, with a prime minister." A former minister said that the Peronist Peronist were optimistic "ma non tropo," about a political solution. Such statements were published in the newspaper La Opinion by pen Fanor Diaz, in an article entitled The silence of politicians. "The other politicians consulted," Diaz says, "beyond the partial and secondary criticism, they were matched in supporting the military government, especially as he did the dirty war."

The union had been crushed, although some unions produced isolated actions, as downtime Light and Power 1976-which cost the loss of Oscar Smith, and those in auto companies. But it would have to wait until April next year to attend a general strike.

Only a handful of women, the Buenos Aires Herald newspaper called The Mad Women, Saturday, April 30, 1977 at half past three in the afternoon, had gathered in the square May to begin their rounds in complaining about their missing children.

In this scenario, 27 July, released a book in which journalist Paul Joseph Hernandez recounted his conversations with a historian of nationalism that seemed to have dictators interested. It was José María Rosa.

memoir was a long form report. But between family events, the origins of nationalism and historical revisionism in the '30s, and political and diplomatic adventures of the protagonist at times seemingly distant, filtered innocent comments on recent Greek politics, in his capacity as ambassador Argentina had been observed.

With meticulous interest, Rosa-impartial observer, described the end of the dictatorship of the colonels, and especially, the trial of those who underwent military coup to re-establish constitutional rule.

"Shortly before the election ... against the military environment was complete, ordered the arrest of the revolutionaries of 1967, defendants' high treason for overthrowing the constitutional authorities." I think it was a unique process in history, appeared before the Athens Court of Cassation, the highest Greek court ... accused of having a successful revolutionary ... revolution in Greece laid a favorable case law that found resonance in Europe .... Papadoupoulus were arrested and the board of colonels without knowing why. It believed in a political maneuver by (Prime Minister) Caramanlis because the prestige of the military was very low, and opponents ... took over the government's leniency with tyrants. The applause of the people was total, and Karamanlis won the election by a margin that was not expected, 54% of the votes ... He soon learned that the Supreme Court of Athens ... the judge on the complaint of an individual-not government, which accused them nothing less than "treason." In a first hearing ... The defendant's lawyer said "that the constitution requires a soldier to defend the homeland and the constituted authorities and had not done was a betrayal of the homeland itself '... things were getting serious. Twenty chiefs who agreed to have given orders that mobilized the troops ... were arrested by the investigating judge ... While those summary ..., parliament voted unanimously ... a law establishing the crime of 'treason' is imprescriptible ... to open up before the Supreme Court, with a clatter of photographs, radio, television, foreign journalists, the process to twenty colonels. No accused them of rebellion but of treason. The prosecutor's indictment (which the translation I have one I thought was a brilliant piece) made a distinction between the crime committed by a civilian rebellion when up against the government, and the betrayal of a military group using the training, organization and weapons given the country to fight the enemy or defend the domestic, military stand against the constituted authorities. Not act as citizens, he said, but as soldiers in a field outside his profession. Never mind the good intentions that have moved, its action was a betrayal and called for them the death penalty ... Papadoupoulus read a defense based on the 'need to save the country from disorder, corruption and communism "said" be at peace with their conscience "and ended by appealing" to the court of history "
... the court's decision was immediate: 'Death penalty for the crime of treason. " Immediately an usher brought a note from the government: in view of the good faith of the defendants who did not know that his act constituted treason, were commuted the death penalty by life imprisonment ...".

At that time, I was part of a group of history teachers who collaborated with the Master in another publication, and Rosa told us in his study what he was dictating to Hernandez to the book. He did it with a relish that match what you ever said his friend Arturo Jauretche: "You talk of the bitterness of contemporary history."

It was not talking about history. On one occasion, Paul was interviewed by the announcer Antonio Carrizo. A coffee hour, he asked: "Che" When you asked about the Greek military, were talking about Argentina? ".

Pepe Rosa is that, in the words of his fellow exile Miguel Unamuno, "came not bullets." Do you have gone jackals if they had been able to understand the hidden message? We are not interested in writing about what would have happened if it had happened did not happen. The truth is that the man who had once believed in Uriburu by antiyrigoyenismo confessed that he had supported the movement on June 4 for believing that this was the way to assert national sovereignty in the 40s, for some time that was lined with people. And just as he had risked his life to Valle against fusiladotes 1956, was getting in the line of fire, when political leaders acted with understandable caution, because the penalties were terrible.

His wishful thinking, that it was what he felt when he spoke "with bitterness of contemporary" as saying Greece Jauretche-not to mention "Argentina" as represented Carrizo-it was not his last game with the most savage tyrants who endured our history.

line in the journal in November 1981, called them idiots, but putting the words into the mouth of King Alfonso the Wise, and branded as subversive and corrupt, which earned him a lawsuit for slander, which began Videla, Massera and Agosti. That trial has Arzac Alberto Gonzalez: "We went to the audience as he goes to war, we left the line ... with a group of boys accompanied ... Don Pepe. In the corridors awaiting the girl was kind of him to the courtroom and I were entering Pepe, who was his lawyer in a trial judge that in all the walls had pictures of him hobnobbing with admirals, generals and brigadier generals. The parties were represented by brigadier general and admirals, all auditors who pointed the finger at Don Pepe. And what was the reaction of Don Pepe? ... Did not lose his humor and said, 'The Military Party government' ... and when I called the attention saying, 'Well, excuse me Your Honor' ...

I ran cold at the back and not budge ... People still disappear ... the operations were succeeded everywhere and Don Pepe, with this pair of balls I had, thus demonstrating there! "

Friday, January 14, 2011

Clear Lucite Ceiling Fan


By Paul A. Vázquez

"We made this revolution so that the child remains sweeper sweeper! "With this brutal honesty, a high-ranking Marine snapped a couple of union leaders who hoped to be questioned in late 1955.

Destabilization, bombings and armed actions triggered the coup of that year, ending with the constitutional government of Perón. From the warmth of the fires Lonardi Aramburu y Rojas was the intent: to exterminate the Peronism.

I was surprised at the beginning of my adolescence with a text by Horacio Cerrutti Guldberg, Latin American Liberation Philosophy , who said: "philosophy of liberation is expressed with great force in one of the key moments in the history of one of the peoples of the Americas, representing the return of Gen. Juan Domingo Peron Argentina. More that the triumph of Perón himself, it is of Peronism. Missed the first stage of Peron, the Peronist movement has become a great hope. The hope of an entire people was considered as related to the history of other peoples of the continent, even to people beyond this continent, with which he has to fight to change a situation that has been imposed .... "

powerful That statement struck me that he had asked me to forget the above if I should be the seed that led to a revolution of ideas in the '70s. Plans Five-year to 70,000 works in 10 years, independent foreign policy, full employment and dignity in a happy people could not be ignored. More when that base was the engine of the struggle to regain Peron as a vector of social history of Argentina and a significant release full project.

Then there was the practice of organized labor and the Peronist all of those years that made possible the realization of lead in the years after '55, enduring a barrage of actions taken by the indifference and revenge.

Kidnapping and desecration of the body of Evita, Decree 4161 - banning all about Evita and Peron -, imprisonment and torture of union leaders and politicians; reopening Panel Ushuaia, Valle shootings and participants in the National Recovery Movement; Coninter Plan, attempts to assassinate Venezuelan Perón's exile, repression of strikes and acts in places; annulment of the elections where he triumphed Framini; obstruction Peronist candidate lists, to the prosecution of Peron in 1964 flight from Brazil; Night of Long Canes, the Cordobazo, The Great National Agreement ...

desperate actions from hatred to override Peronism, attacking its social base and identity. But the more was harassed, the more strengthened!

"The Americans, Russians and recognize the liberating powers. Villa Manuelita no! ". cultural Perhaps the fact that started Peronist Resistance , the epic that marked, as founding myth, the consciousness of future generations to rethink your destination, and looked more favorably to the masses who identified with Perón.

Rumors, improvised pipes, painted night, armed groups and cultural attacks incendiary books Hernández Arregui, Rosa Chavez, Ramos, Scalabrini and Jauretche. The dependence matrix be frosted by molotov texts as the center of dictatorships and the organization d students and workers.

Perón - from exile in Paraguay, Venezuela, Panama, Dominican Republic and Spain - from political battle began communicating with hundreds of letters, tapes, records, reports and documentaries, as a proto Facebook and Twitter. Webmaster which sought to organize his followers and implement a communications alternative to the hegemonic cultural superstructure. An advanced communication guerrilla decades Chavez's actions.

He said: "E t is implicit the desire for a union based on solidarity that encourages all leaders, both union and political, to a greatness and generosity that would ensure an absolute subordination to the convenience of all by the sacrifice of individual interests or passions. This is not to win or lose others, but that the movement to fulfill its purpose, because otherwise, no dream Peronist must be in a movement that does not occur. (September 25, 1968).

This unified approach to the unity of action guided thousands that enabled a de1972 November 17, overcoming fear and repression, to approach at Ezeiza. The charter with representatives of the political and cultural leader emerged under the umbrella of Rucci and the protection of its people. The fight made sense 17 years, public sentiment broke indifference. Again were the powerful people who love life.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


disaffection FERMIN: A PERIPHERY epistemological

By Francisco José Pestanha

"Civilization Unit is resisted stubbornly by the federal Barbarism: here is the fact that Argentina has to be triggering our moral and political struggles during the nineteenth century. Facing the rationalistic Unitarianism stands the idea vernacular and way of life that responds to the real situation of Argentine man and his spontaneous development "

Fermín Chávez

In This time I will refer to a member of our school of thought that - for the speaker - is the most lucid thinker who hosted the Peronist movement in the last century and early now journeyed. I mean time to mate Fermín Chávez.
then I will relate some highlights of his life, since most of them are essential to understand their production, to conclude this lecture with a brief statement about certain aspects of his theoretical and historiographical work.
Fermin Chavez, integrates the myriad of Argentine thinkers recognized as components of a school of thought that, while never organized as such, conceived and developed a mode of thinking that Chavez called himself brilliantly as epistemology of the periphery. I highlight this feature, since in There is a general trend fortunate not frame or classify activities - and in that sense - I warn the younger school of thought that we never aspired to build a framework or a form of organization, not only because of the nuances that distinguish us - but also - for reasons which are historical, methodological, conceptual and generational on any opportunity that will further emphasis.
also clarify something I've said on numerous occasions but unfortunately I have to constantly reiterate the sense that misunderstand and simplify our work, argue that the work that we develop is limited to a rescue melancholy of the past. The major concern of national thought was and is quite the contrary the future. We appeal to the past as rescue and development of a collective historical experience that we value, and in that order, we historicist, but this rescue is always oriented towards the future construction of our desvelares final object.
the other day before a young audience that we claimed a joint analysis, I compared our work with that played by the authors of science fiction, but this comparison is not ridiculous, because when we approach our work concerning reasoning we find timeless and with a clear reference the future. Always put such discussions on Article 40 of the constitution of 1949. On this again that it is time to discuss Chavez Fermín.
Benito Enrique Chávez (Fermín) was born on July 13, 1924 in The Puebito ", a village near the city of Entre Rios Province Nogoyá. Seated with that name in the hall, paradoxically contained in another document "Benito Anacleto", as in mid-1945, had to complete a procedure for correcting the respective heading. Son of Gregoria Urbana native Paysandú Giménez, and Eleuterio Chavez, it will take its first half year country will never forget and that will determine the remarkable simplicity and humility of his spirit.
birth date Fermín not minor detail, since as we will emphasize later, our teacher is a member of a generation of post-Jauretche, Scalabrini, Manzi Irazusta, Doll and Palace, a fact which allowed him to condense some of the main events and ideas of their predecessors.
His father - born in 1880 - was a farmer until 1920 date has to leave the activity. Are the beginnings of the crisis of the agro - exporting began to manifest in the periphery. The small farmers as well, constitute the first victims the crack that will shake the "breadbasket of the world." Don Eleuterio later work as a hairdresser and palm broom maker. In the same decade, Chavez recalled his father manage a small bowling area in the district of "Crucesita." In pure mint
Yrigoyenist, Fermin always caught my attention this political facet of Don Eleuterio, but especially the contact that existed between "The Hairy" and criollaje. His first political memories go back to the campaign of 1928, where he recalls that his father made him get on a table beside the road that crossed in front of the house to yell at the other side live Yrigoyen! "Yrigoyen President / Melo-Gallo to burst." Fermín subsequently interpreted for many Creoles, Yrigoyen represented a kind of reincarnation of leadership. Eleuterio military for Yrigoyenism until 1951. In the elections of 52 later confessed that he voted for Peron.
Meanwhile, Jordan Lopez tradition and their weighting by Leandro Gómez, will Martiniana inheritance from her grandmother, who had been married to James Moreira a man who had joined the troops of Ricardo López Jordán and taken prisoner after the battle of "Don Gonzalo", a battle that may mark the final defeat of the federal troops and where "national" leading Gelly y Obes use the first machine guns on 9 December 1873. The Son of Moreira, James Pantaleon as Chavez himself acknowledged, he had about him a lot of influence because of its historical accounts - and also recalls - the word Martiniana grandmother was "Holy Word" on family privacy.
Once a week the magazine came to Pueblito "Faces and Masks", a publication that fueled the young Fermin readings. The Chávez had no radio, but every so often could be heard in the house of his aunt Vitalia Lopez. For his part, hit 30, was living in house as a drama - and his father came to join the insurgency movement that staged the Kennedy brothers held on January 3, 1932 in La Paz, Entre Ríos.
His first training period, will be closely marked by certain contradictions between the official account of the story that became the School No. 14 - provincial - and historical accounts that circulated within their family. Fermín anyway in an interview acknowledged that establishment, not strictly followed the epic pantheon of heroes enshrined in the "National unanimously" imposed by the generation of 80.
The crisis of the thirties force the family to settle in Nogoyá Chávez. Live one time at his aunt Rosa Moreira. Back to Hometown, Fermin will study at the school 14 and only know the big city "Parana" in 1936, at which visiting her older sister Maria Petrona. Chavez
instances continue to Reginald de la Cruz Saldaña (man of the church to which he is eternally grateful), studies in Cordoba in an apostolic school run by Dominican monks who was oriented to priestly vocations. In an interview with our teacher is recognized that this opportunity was unique, since in Nogoyá at that time had no national school, and Victoria, was only for wealthy families.
Completed high school in Cordoba, will travel to Buenos Aires to study philosophy as a novice at the Convent of Santo Domingo, later leaving for Cuzco with the intention of further training in theology at an international school Dominico.
Your stay in Buenos Aires between 1939 and 1942 will be decisive in his subsequent political and intellectual power, as it corresponds to the "peak" of Catholic culture courses. Chávez recalled that the Chief of the Order - the Father Paez - teach in these courses with, among other - Leonardo Castellani, Alberto Terán Molas, and Cesar E. Pico. In this way, closer to nationalism in an era where in addition the climate of war clearly influenced local politics. In 1941 he published his first poem in "Crucible," an Argentine nationalist newspaper run by Enrique P. Oses. Three years elapse
your stay in Cuzco, when to pass on 17 October 1945, take notice what happened in his country by radio. Fermín return to the country only in October 1946, almost immediately joining the political struggle, financially supported through the good offices of Fernandez who Unsain will join the Journal editorial, "Tribune, a newspaper write-nationalist where among others, Ferran Gilberto Gomes, Luis Soler Cañas Jorge Massetti himself. In his own words journalism gave him "a work discipline that probably would not have gained out of it" (sic).
previously published a poem in tribute to Darwin PASSAPONTI killed on the evening of October 17, 1945 in the journal Tacuara, a publication owned by the National Union of University Students.
respect to its intellectual influences, Fermín recognized as paramount the work of Thomas Aquinas and the teachings of Jacques Maritain and Garrigou-Lagrange. But also will emphasize the influence exerted on him by national authors as Ramón Doll, Ernesto Palacio, the preaching of the newspaper Crucible, and in particular Articles Osés. Nevertheless, in some interviews, has acknowledged the influence of Leopoldo Marechal Leopoldo Lugones and, interwoven with readings of Federico García Lorca, Pablo Neruda and Miguel Hernandez. Fermín
publicly acknowledged at that time prior to Peronism, the only man they knew was WROUGHT Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz, as nationalists and transiting forjistas parallel paths. While nationalism was on the street, the work was rather forjista cultural and conceptual in nature, done that - acknowledge - does not detract from this important historical landmark protoperonista group. He further stated that at that time, there was certainly a nationalist version of inspiration maurrasiana elitist "that corresponds to nationalism emerged during the government of Alvear moment is Captain Juan Domingo Peron and enters the War College." Between 1926 and 1929 - about-will result in the birth of the newspaper "New Republic, then Republican League, where they act figures as Ernesto Palacio, Laferrere Roberto, Federico Ibarguren, John E. Caruso, Julio Irazusta, César E. Pico, Daniel Videla Dorna, etc.. " Republican League - Fermin said at some time - along with the Independent Socialist and Gonzalez Pinedo Iramain, "will impact forces that ended with the last remnants of the prestige of Yrigoyen and radicalism in power" (sic). Fermín
remembered for his party to warn the political failure of Uriburu, some members of this nationalism assume a militant anti-imperialism that will cooperate with investigations by Lisandro de la Torre on the issue of meat, and even accompany action conspiracy radicalism during the Infamous Decade. "All the old nationalism that began to evolve around '35, at the height infamous decade, comes a popular current" hold (sic).
respect to the rise of Perón, Fermín recount some time that "several figures of this nationalism converge to Peronism and oppose others may not wish to Peron, and to reject it rejected the popular movement. These nationalists see Peron as a leader too pragmatic, or, to say the words that were used, not only nationalism but also from the liberal side, as an opportunist who knows how to take care of the historical moment and going forward "(sic). But there are other nationalists come over and inserted into the Peronism as "Alberto Baldrich, still to this day, exemplifies the current nationalist who served in the cultural field rather than the political."
Argentine nationalism for Chavez will evolve and elitist nationalism maurrasiano native will go towards popular nationalism. After 1935 affirm "the importance of nationalism are newspapers and the new elements that come into play by hitting to the regime. For example the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial justice will manifest in some of the time. Manuel Gálvez it "and" some nationalists like Jose Luis Torres, who writes that revealed that General John B. Molina directs the Alliance in 1942 and which are explicit, practically, the three flags of Peronism. " Fermin
Peronism and being the first state trooper and Public Health at the request of Ramon Carrillo, will go to the Press Office of the GGT will assist the official organ of the labor union. In 1950 he meets Eva Peron to join a coterie of young writers and poets who met every Friday at the headquarters of the Home of the Employee. With Evita shared some dinners and gatherings in Aguero's residence and Alvear, and make room under the Perón: Boys Do not yell much we can awaken the general! recalls that when she scolded them raised their voices. In those years also marry Antonia Simó who will have two sons, Fermin (and died in a tragic plane crash) and Simon, a talented musician and photographer. Besides work at the Directorate General of Culture, under the direction of Castiñeira of God.
His first book, "As an old complaint," will be printed in the workshops of the CGT by the role assigned by the Federation of Paper, Cardboard, Chemicals and the like, and the second book, "Two praises two comments" will be published by the Peña Eva Perón. In 1952 after the death of the spiritual Head of the nation, will debut "A tree for up to Heaven," a children's fantasy written by him Membrives directed by Lola, "and between 1953 and 1957 - is also editor of the journal Social Dynamics .
Liberating Revolution happened the response was immediate; publish "Civilization and Barbarism. Liberalism and Cultural Mayanism in Argentina. " Participate in addition to numerous underground publications as "in front", "The populist" and "North."
In 1958, Perón appointed alternate member of the tactical command set to communicate and disseminate Frondizi order to vote, but by refusing to vote on it, is separated from office immediately. In 1960 will enter the Clarín as a simple editor. In 1963 the Justice Party delegate controller of Santiago del Estero - and 1964 - Scalabrini Ortiz Foundation published "Poems of shot and outlaws"
Already in the 70 dictate the terms of Argentina History in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters UBA in 1973 and 1974. As a journalist and columnist also served in Review, Panorama, La Prensa, El Hogar, Crisis, Megafon. According to Henry Manson, "The animosity of Lopez Rega excluded him from the first return" peroniano. " It would be otherwise with the second and final. Fermin had the return journey I had good guidance in the air, and noticed that the plane changed its course to land at Moron. Slow to learn of the events that forced the change "(sic). In 1990 will receive the National Dedication Award by the Ministry of Culture of Argentina, in 1991 dictated the history of thought concerning the Argentine at the University of La Plata, and between 1996 and 1998 Social and Economic History at the Faculty of Social Sciences University of Lomas de Zamora. Fermín
published over 46 books in addition to continuing the work of José María Rosa in collaboration with prestigious authors as Juan C. Cantoni, Jorge Sulé, and Henry Manson. Some of his most notable works are: "Liberalism and Mayanism in history and culture in Argentina" (1956), "Life and death of Lee Jordan" (1957), "José Hernández, journalist, politician and poet ( 1959), "Perón and Peronism in the contemporary history", vol. 1 (1975), "Historicism and the Enlightenment culture in Argentina" (1977), "The recovery of the national consciousness" (1983), "Peron the PJ "(1985)," Because this is another key. Vico Wittgenstein "(1994)," national consciousness "(1996)," Alpargatas and books, vols. I and II (2003/2004), "History of the Argentine nation" (1967). Besides books of poems like the aforementioned "As an old complaint," published among others "A province of the East" (1951), "Poems with guns and outlaws" (1964), and has always held a detailed analysis of the gaucho as sign of popular culture. In this sense, more recently, in 2004 published "History of gaucho poetry anthology" work of seven hundred pages which brought the work of more than eighty poets.
So far, an overview of the life resumidísima Fermin Chavez. But although not strictly constitute the object of this conference - in the last fifteen minutes - I will put forward some ideas that are part of what we might call the conceptual framework on which Chavez his intellectual development. I say only some of the ideas, since the production of Fermin has been so vast that it would be impossible to give a single lecture or even the wording of the content of his work.
remember the above in that it belongs to a generation Fermín later than the Scalabrini, Palazzo Manzi, Taborda, Anquin and Jauretche fact that you will - among other things - getting to know, preparing and packing their production. Fermín Chávez
coincide with Arturo Jauretche eg, regarding the existence in our country of a superstructure with a consolidated alienating cult import mechanism - criticism of ideas, concepts and products installed in our cultural elites. Among these ideas, the Enlightenment is seen as an ideology Fermín historical dependence. For Chavez, after the defeat of Rosas at the Battle of Caseros and the subsequent defection of Urquiza, was devoted in the power elite of our country erected at the time of European ideas (taken closed book) that under the banner of civilization and barbarism tried to "civilize" the country "barbaric." This sociological phenomenon of nature to the consolidated over time by installing it in the various levels of the education system was transformed into a strain of ontological nature, as certain provisions and losses, were expanding in vast sectors of society. So Fermín insisted that the Argentine crisis are first "traits, then the ethical, political, epistemological, and only finally economic ". In short, one of its main lines of research in our teacher was oriented towards the analysis of the mechanisms of cultural colonialism and its aftermath, including the dissociation between the elites 'enlightened' and the people.
Another contribution Fermin important was the critical evaluation of the conceptual contributions of the various aspects of Argentine nationalism, the formation of the national popular and humanist doctrine that under Peronism. Fermín The approach that makes the theoretical yield of nationalism and its evolution towards he calls "humanist stamp National People" are essential not only to understand the first but at that stage Peronism in Argentina's history. Meanwhile
historiographical legacies were to be achieved. Not only known about the Chacho Peñaloza Lopez and Jordan, but also those published with Joseph Hernandez to Juan Manuel de Rosas and other forgotten characters of our culture. His book about Lee Jordan is a before and after entrerriana historiography, and the consequences of this text, it is still remarkable.
agree with many that the great contribution of Fermín, is oriented toward understanding of Peronism as a political phenomenon, sociological and cultural. At times like current where many authors have focused their pencil to the comprehensive analysis of Peronism - for us - it will be incomplete if not addressed fully the corpus which is the production of Chávez, reiterating in this regard that Fermin was the greatest thinker who harbor Peronism in the last century and early lag. Lastly
and regretting that the time is a tyrant and forces me to conclude, I introduce them into a thesis on which I recently special reference. I mean one that maintains that poetry gaucho, tango was reincarnated in the outskirts and then in certain versions of rock. For that reason, emphasized this position? As set forth above after Home and Pavón, begins to take root in our country a cultural and academic superstructure alienating. And I say alienating as this superstructure was fueled by cultural and ideological imported products, thus creating a disconnect between the elites and the people.
While the elites try to impose the "contents" civilizing the people will resist this imposition alienatoria through the production and dissemination of cultural products of their own, authentic and traditional with a clear imprint. Thus, the first gaucho poetry, tango outskirts of course, and certain versions of the national rock form Fermín milestones for resistance against such imposition, reincarnated elements each other.