December 6, 1829: The legislature of Buenos Aires, in a climate of lawlessness and internal military occupation by an army unit, elected Governor Juan Manuel de Rosas in Buenos Aires, giving Powers (legislative powers. could issue decree-laws).
January 4, 1831: Federal Pact Signing first constitutional agreement signed by all provinces which causes the Confederation Argentina.
February 2, 1831: Parliament in the Chacarita the College with the Principal Chiefs of the Province of Buenos Aires. First implementation of the smallpox vaccine.
February 3, 1831: Quiroga campaign against the army unit.
November 4, 1831: Quiroga Lamadrid beat the Citadel (Tucumán) ending unit military resistance.
May 16, 1832: The Royal Society of London Jennesiana Rosas honored as an honorary member of the same for services rendered to humanity by the introduction of smallpox vaccine in the Indian world.
December 6, 1832: concludes the first government of Rosas and the Legislature re-elected three times Rosas rejects the three offers.
Desert Expedition
December 6, 1829: The legislature of Buenos Aires, in a climate of lawlessness and internal military occupation by an army unit, elected Governor Juan Manuel de Rosas in Buenos Aires, giving Powers (legislative powers. could issue decree-laws).
January 4, 1831: Federal Pact Signing first constitutional agreement signed by all provinces which causes the Confederation Argentina.
February 2, 1831: Parliament in the Chacarita the College with the Principal Chiefs of the Province of Buenos Aires. First implementation of the smallpox vaccine.
February 3, 1831: Quiroga campaign against the army unit.
November 4, 1831: Quiroga Lamadrid beat the Citadel (Tucumán) ending unit military resistance.
May 16, 1832: The Royal Society of London Jennesiana Rosas honored as an honorary member of the same for services rendered to humanity by the introduction of smallpox vaccine in the Indian world.
December 6, 1832: concludes the first government of Rosas and the Legislature re-elected three times Rosas rejects the three offers.
Desert Expedition
March 22, 1833: Rosas started from San Miguel del Monte, without government support, the expedition to the south.
April 3, 1833: issue is incorporated Catriel pampas chiefs, Cachul, Llanquellen, caciquillos, Nicasio, Antuan over three hundred Indian warriors.
May 1, 1833: The expedition reaches Fortress Protective Argentina (now Delhi).
May 10, 1833: The expedition reaches the Colorado River and established his headquarters in Redondo Medano on the banks of this river. Sent several divisions to beat especially in Choele Chocori Pehuenche-Choel. Are treated with Tehuelche Valcheta and vorogas of Guaminí. It takes the "path of the Chileans," avoiding the cattle rustling cattle to Chile. Released more than three thousand people, mostly women living in captivity.
March 25, 1834: Rosas leave the troops in Bahía Blanca (Napostá).
April 3, 1833: issue is incorporated Catriel pampas chiefs, Cachul, Llanquellen, caciquillos, Nicasio, Antuan over three hundred Indian warriors.
May 1, 1833: The expedition reaches Fortress Protective Argentina (now Delhi).
May 10, 1833: The expedition reaches the Colorado River and established his headquarters in Redondo Medano on the banks of this river. Sent several divisions to beat especially in Choele Chocori Pehuenche-Choel. Are treated with Tehuelche Valcheta and vorogas of Guaminí. It takes the "path of the Chileans," avoiding the cattle rustling cattle to Chile. Released more than three thousand people, mostly women living in captivity.
March 25, 1834: Rosas leave the troops in Bahía Blanca (Napostá).
Impact of Desert Expedition:
· It gained immense tracts of land that joined the production.
· We recognized their own spaces to different indigenous communities, grasslands, and tehuelches vorogas.
· We held 'the Chilean way of' avoiding finance cattle rustling to Chile.
· We released over 3,000 prisoners, mostly women who were returned to their families.
· It undermined the big raids and established conditions for peace in rural areas.
· It is founded or consolidated with the assistance of the Indians themselves forts that will future cities in the provinces of Buenos Aires and Rio Black.
· We introduced the smallpox vaccine in many Aboriginal groups.
. Consolidated national sovereignty, reaffirming the territorial rights in Argentina.
March 7, 1835: The Board of Representatives (the legislature) appointed Rosas for the second time as Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires and Commissioner for External Relations, with the sum of public power (Adding to the power of legislative competence to create special courts for exceptional cases. Example: court which tried the murderers of Facundo Quiroga).
March 16, 1835: Rosas requests the Board to convene the people for their vote to rule on the powers that be will want to confer.
26, 27 and March 28, 1835: Plebiscite . The Board of Representatives calls for the inhabitants of Buenos Aires so that through a plebiscite to rule on the amount of power that he wants to bestow. The figures cast 9,713 votes for and only 7 were negative.
· We recognized their own spaces to different indigenous communities, grasslands, and tehuelches vorogas.
· We held 'the Chilean way of' avoiding finance cattle rustling to Chile.
· We released over 3,000 prisoners, mostly women who were returned to their families.
· It undermined the big raids and established conditions for peace in rural areas.
· It is founded or consolidated with the assistance of the Indians themselves forts that will future cities in the provinces of Buenos Aires and Rio Black.
· We introduced the smallpox vaccine in many Aboriginal groups.
. Consolidated national sovereignty, reaffirming the territorial rights in Argentina.
March 7, 1835: The Board of Representatives (the legislature) appointed Rosas for the second time as Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires and Commissioner for External Relations, with the sum of public power (Adding to the power of legislative competence to create special courts for exceptional cases. Example: court which tried the murderers of Facundo Quiroga).
March 16, 1835: Rosas requests the Board to convene the people for their vote to rule on the powers that be will want to confer.
26, 27 and March 28, 1835: Plebiscite . The Board of Representatives calls for the inhabitants of Buenos Aires so that through a plebiscite to rule on the amount of power that he wants to bestow. The figures cast 9,713 votes for and only 7 were negative.
November 18, 1835: Punishment of the Customs Act. Objectives: Creole defense manufacturing and delivery of agricultural wealth.
May 10, 1836: Enactment of the Agrarian Law. End of the lease Rivadavia and effective colonization of land by small and medium landowners.
May 30, 1836: Dissolution of the National Bank and creation of the Casa de la Moneda, home of the Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.
May 10, 1836: Enactment of the Agrarian Law. End of the lease Rivadavia and effective colonization of land by small and medium landowners.
May 30, 1836: Dissolution of the National Bank and creation of the Casa de la Moneda, home of the Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Cultural Aspects:
June 25, 1837: Inauguration Literary Hall with speeches from Mark Taylor, John B. And John M. Alberdi Gutiérrez.
November 15, 1837: is Launched "La Moda", Gazette music, poetry and fashion written by John B. Alberdi.
May 24, 1838: Opening of the Teatro "From Victoria, room 500 locations.
May 16, 1840: The government of Buenos Aires provides for the prohibition of the slave trade.
1842: College opens its doors Federal Republican.
1843: daguerreotype is introduced in Buenos Aires.
October 18, 1844: opens another theater called "good order." Room 300 seats. You can open up other major theaters and circuses large operation with stable amphitheaters such as the "Park Argentino" and "Garden Florida ', "Retreat" and the "Low."
November 15, 1837: is Launched "La Moda", Gazette music, poetry and fashion written by John B. Alberdi.
May 24, 1838: Opening of the Teatro "From Victoria, room 500 locations.
May 16, 1840: The government of Buenos Aires provides for the prohibition of the slave trade.
1842: College opens its doors Federal Republican.
1843: daguerreotype is introduced in Buenos Aires.
October 18, 1844: opens another theater called "good order." Room 300 seats. You can open up other major theaters and circuses large operation with stable amphitheaters such as the "Park Argentino" and "Garden Florida ', "Retreat" and the "Low."
Political Aspects:
Implementation of the murderers of Quiroga
October 9, 1836: After trial, Quiroga's murderers are sentenced to capital punishment to be met at the Plaza Fort on October 26, 1836.
French Aggression 1838-1840
March 28, 1838: French Blockade Argentina Confederation.
A manager of the French Consulate restraining make claims without having to do personaría diplomatic hierarchy. Denied representation, an admiral at the head of a French fleet down the block to the Rio de la Plata.
April 3, 1838: Rosas rejects and denounces international blockade colonialist aggression.
August 5, 1838: First letter San Martín Rosas, adhering to the defense of sovereignty.
A manager of the French Consulate restraining make claims without having to do personaría diplomatic hierarchy. Denied representation, an admiral at the head of a French fleet down the block to the Rio de la Plata.
April 3, 1838: Rosas rejects and denounces international blockade colonialist aggression.
August 5, 1838: First letter San Martín Rosas, adhering to the defense of sovereignty.
or external actions to overthrow Rosas Inteman:
April to July 1839: Lock and French ships to attack targets on the Argentine coast. French landing project. Lavalle invasion led by the French fleet from Uruguay.
June 8, 1839: Buchet de Martigny, diplomat French, presents the sum of 100,000 patacones the exiles unit to finance the issuance of Lavalle and overthrow Rosas.
June 28, 1839: Lt. Col. Ramon Maza, who is in combination with the invasion of Lavalle, is caught in the conspiracy and executed, Federal exalted meeting an action group called the "Ear" kill the father of Colonel Mace.
October 29, 1839: The farmers of the south, believing imminent French aid and Lavalle, rise against Rosas.
November 7, 1839: Prudencio Ortiz de Rozas y Nicolás Granada suppress the uprising of the ranchers. Many escape in French boats stationed at the mouth of the Tu-yu and the Rio Salado.
September 6, 1840: Lavalle, without the support of the campaign and the interior provinces, resolved to withdraw to the north and is finally defeated at the Battle of Famaillá (Tucumán) in September 1842 by the army Vanguardia Argentina Confederation, led by Manuel Oribe East.
October 29, 1840: France lift the embargo and accept the conditions imposed by Rosas, Arana-signing the treaty Mackau. Diplomatic triumph of the Confederation of Argentina.
September 27, 1841: Dr. Francisco Gavin Muñiz manufactured at the Villa Lujan smallpox vaccine.
December 29, 1841: Signed an agreement Fructuoso Rivera and mutual help Bento Goncalves. Between the eastern and Rio Grande do Sul encourage a project of "Federation of Uruguay" to be composed of Rio Grande, Uruguay, Entre Rios and Corrientes.
March 10, 1842: Manuel Moreno London presents a well-founded claim and affirmation of our sovereignty in the Falklands.
February 16, 1843: Oribe, legal president of Uruguay in front of the Army of the Confederacy Vanguardia Argentina, laid siege to Montevideo.
August 11, 1843: Florencio Varela is designated Eastern government and exiles in Montevideo unit to travel to Europe and manage the armed intervention of England and France to overthrow Rosas.
January 23, 1844: San Martín wrote his will bequeathed his sword to Juan Manuel de Rosas.
June 8, 1839: Buchet de Martigny, diplomat French, presents the sum of 100,000 patacones the exiles unit to finance the issuance of Lavalle and overthrow Rosas.
June 28, 1839: Lt. Col. Ramon Maza, who is in combination with the invasion of Lavalle, is caught in the conspiracy and executed, Federal exalted meeting an action group called the "Ear" kill the father of Colonel Mace.
October 29, 1839: The farmers of the south, believing imminent French aid and Lavalle, rise against Rosas.
November 7, 1839: Prudencio Ortiz de Rozas y Nicolás Granada suppress the uprising of the ranchers. Many escape in French boats stationed at the mouth of the Tu-yu and the Rio Salado.
September 6, 1840: Lavalle, without the support of the campaign and the interior provinces, resolved to withdraw to the north and is finally defeated at the Battle of Famaillá (Tucumán) in September 1842 by the army Vanguardia Argentina Confederation, led by Manuel Oribe East.
October 29, 1840: France lift the embargo and accept the conditions imposed by Rosas, Arana-signing the treaty Mackau. Diplomatic triumph of the Confederation of Argentina.
September 27, 1841: Dr. Francisco Gavin Muñiz manufactured at the Villa Lujan smallpox vaccine.
December 29, 1841: Signed an agreement Fructuoso Rivera and mutual help Bento Goncalves. Between the eastern and Rio Grande do Sul encourage a project of "Federation of Uruguay" to be composed of Rio Grande, Uruguay, Entre Rios and Corrientes.
March 10, 1842: Manuel Moreno London presents a well-founded claim and affirmation of our sovereignty in the Falklands.
February 16, 1843: Oribe, legal president of Uruguay in front of the Army of the Confederacy Vanguardia Argentina, laid siege to Montevideo.
August 11, 1843: Florencio Varela is designated Eastern government and exiles in Montevideo unit to travel to Europe and manage the armed intervention of England and France to overthrow Rosas.
January 23, 1844: San Martín wrote his will bequeathed his sword to Juan Manuel de Rosas.
puts Anglo-French fleet blocking the Argentine coast. Simultaneously, a pirate named Garibaldi Italian coastal looting and burning.
Objectives of the Anglo-French intervention
ensure the independence of the Banda Oriental and Paraguay. Internationalizing
waterways Plata Basin for free trade of European manufactures. Wean
Entre Rios and Corrientes.
ensure the independence of the Banda Oriental and Paraguay. Internationalizing
waterways Plata Basin for free trade of European manufactures. Wean
Entre Rios and Corrientes.
November 1, 1845: The Anglo-French squad enters the river Paraná.
November 20, 1845: At 8 hours the battle begins in the Vuelta de Obligado (near San Pedro, Province of Buenos Aires).
At 16 hours the last battery Argentina (there were four) fired the latest salvo. After clashes with Corps landing at 20 hours and no answer Obligado.
January 11, 1846: San Martín, in another letter to Rosas, he expresses his confidence in the ultimate triumph.
June 4, 1846: Returning the fleet Anglo-French and merchant ships were attacked in different places in a persistent and, at one point called the Paraná River Quebracho, they receive an attack that produced serious casualties.
August 26, 1846: Foreign ships returning to Montevideo gamblers convinced of economic failure and military invasion.
1847-1848: Rosas not accept the proposals of the various diplomatic negotiators to arrive at the Río de la Plata.
November 24, 1849: The British ambassador Southern finally accepts the conditions of Rosas and signed peace with Britain. Argentina's sovereignty has triumphed.
May 6 1850: Last letter José de San Martín Rosas in which he states: "As an Argentine, fills me with great pride in seeing the prosperity, inner peace, order and honor restored to our beloved country, and all these developments made under circumstances so difficult that few states have found. For many goods made me sincerely congratulate you and to all the Confederación Argentina. Let you enjoy full health and at the end of his public life is just filled with the recognition of all Argentine, are the votes he does and will always for you, that his passionate friend and compatriot. QBSM José de San Martín. "
August 31, 1850: French Ambassador LePredour accepts the conditions of Roses and Peace was signed with France. Argentina's sovereignty has been strengthened.
September 30, 1850: rupture of relations with Brazil Brazil to constant invasions of Banda Oriental.
May 1, 1851 pronounce Urquiza, removing the charge of external relations Rosas.
May 29, 1851: Urquiza signed the first union pact with Brazil.
November 21, 1851: Urquiza signing the second treaty of alliance with Brazil.
February 3, 1852: Battle of Caseros . The army of the Confederacy composed of 22,000 troops led by Argentine Rosas is defeated by the army led by Urquiza, composed of 28,000 personnel, from Corrientes, Entre Rios, Uruguayan, Brazilian and German mercenaries recruited in Europe.
November 20, 1845: At 8 hours the battle begins in the Vuelta de Obligado (near San Pedro, Province of Buenos Aires).
At 16 hours the last battery Argentina (there were four) fired the latest salvo. After clashes with Corps landing at 20 hours and no answer Obligado.
January 11, 1846: San Martín, in another letter to Rosas, he expresses his confidence in the ultimate triumph.
June 4, 1846: Returning the fleet Anglo-French and merchant ships were attacked in different places in a persistent and, at one point called the Paraná River Quebracho, they receive an attack that produced serious casualties.
August 26, 1846: Foreign ships returning to Montevideo gamblers convinced of economic failure and military invasion.
1847-1848: Rosas not accept the proposals of the various diplomatic negotiators to arrive at the Río de la Plata.
November 24, 1849: The British ambassador Southern finally accepts the conditions of Rosas and signed peace with Britain. Argentina's sovereignty has triumphed.
May 6 1850: Last letter José de San Martín Rosas in which he states: "As an Argentine, fills me with great pride in seeing the prosperity, inner peace, order and honor restored to our beloved country, and all these developments made under circumstances so difficult that few states have found. For many goods made me sincerely congratulate you and to all the Confederación Argentina. Let you enjoy full health and at the end of his public life is just filled with the recognition of all Argentine, are the votes he does and will always for you, that his passionate friend and compatriot. QBSM José de San Martín. "
August 31, 1850: French Ambassador LePredour accepts the conditions of Roses and Peace was signed with France. Argentina's sovereignty has been strengthened.
September 30, 1850: rupture of relations with Brazil Brazil to constant invasions of Banda Oriental.
May 1, 1851 pronounce Urquiza, removing the charge of external relations Rosas.
May 29, 1851: Urquiza signed the first union pact with Brazil.
November 21, 1851: Urquiza signing the second treaty of alliance with Brazil.
February 3, 1852: Battle of Caseros . The army of the Confederacy composed of 22,000 troops led by Argentine Rosas is defeated by the army led by Urquiza, composed of 28,000 personnel, from Corrientes, Entre Rios, Uruguayan, Brazilian and German mercenaries recruited in Europe.
· It incorporates the steam engine in the economic and industrial activity.
· Installation of the first hydraulic presses.
· Implementation of the first artesian wells. • Development
important traditional and industrial character, soap factories, candy, ceramics, shipyards, foundries, wine, sugar, woodwork, textiles.
· Full occupation.
· High wages and good living.
· Incorporation of the fence.
• Introduction of fine wheat seed "Barletta."
• Introduction of merino sheep and the first bull durham.
· Installation of the first hydraulic presses.
· Implementation of the first artesian wells. • Development
important traditional and industrial character, soap factories, candy, ceramics, shipyards, foundries, wine, sugar, woodwork, textiles.
· Full occupation.
· High wages and good living.
· Incorporation of the fence.
• Introduction of fine wheat seed "Barletta."
• Introduction of merino sheep and the first bull durham.
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