Pag e Carlos Alberto was born in Buenos Aires and settled in the province of Cordoba early. studied at the Faculty of Architecture Catholic University of Cordoba, where he graduated in 1985. A turn holds a Ph.D. in History by School of Philosophy, History and Literature of University of Salvador. He was a fellow of Secretariat of Science and Technology National University of Córdoba and CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research), under the directions of the architects Rodolfo Gallardo, Marina Waisman and SJ Alberto de Paula. Today is Career Investigator of CONICET. Abroad was a Fellow of the Foundation Carolina, the Ministry of Culture of Spain and the international agreement between the CONICET and the CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche of Italy). He directed the graduate program "The Jesuit heritage, livelihood, identity and cultural continuity National University of Cordoba ", sponsored by UNESCO.
Dr. Arch Page issued several postgraduate courses, seminars and conferences to master various universities and local and international institutions. He was part of numerous committees such as the creation of the Museum of National University of Cordoba , member of the Commission Revitalization Areas Promoted Historical Center and the city of Cordoba, among others. In the public was director of Cultural Heritage of the Municipality of Cordoba (2000-2002) and director of the Provincial Historical Museum "Marqués de Sobremonte" (2000). He was the author of the dossier submitted to UNESCO for the declaration of World Heritage Square of University and the Jesuit Estancias of Córdoba (2000). Participated in numerous international conferences (Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Colombia and Spain), where among other events of this level, organizer International Congress on 400 years of Company of Jesus in Cordoba (1999), Days The Jesuit Heritage in Cordoba (2002) and X International Conference on the Jesuit Missions (2004), besides being a committee member and coordinator of academic symposia as many scientific meetings. Published over 20 books, some co-authored with Ramon Gutierrez, Marcela and Luis Tognetti Aspell. In addition to more than 200 articles in professional journals and popular in Argentina, Spain, United States, Switzerland, Bolivia, Paraguay, Italy, Brazil and Colombia. Among the early highlights, among others, the Journal de Indias, Revista Complutense American History, Hispania Sacra, and Yearbook of the Museum of America. His book
La Estancia Alta Gracia Jesuit -released in 2000 and reissued in 2004 by Editions Eudecor-is a serious and well documented work and the architect Dr. Alberto de Paula in his foreword said: "The name evokes Alta Gracia Cordoba one of the strongest roots of its identity. It is a city that emerged on the basis of a former rural settlement, nestled in the sixteenth century in a territory of the comechingones ... The network of Jesuit-Cordoba stays as Alta Gracia and others, was similar to that which existed in the Argentine cities where Company said residences, hospices, schools, universities, retreat houses, seminaries and other centers of activity ... The first edition of this book was presented in Alta Gracia on 25 May 2000. I had the honor to refer to that time to this work with Dr. Hugo Juri, who was then Rector of National University of Cordoba. See now in its second edition is a special reason for satisfaction, both for what it means to honor the history of this city and its Jesuit heritage, but also in recognition of its author. I have shared many hours of work with Charles Page, and accompanied him for many years director, in the early stages of CONICET research assistant, until his promotion to research associate, and doctorate in history at the University of Salvador, created by Company of Jesus in Buenos Aires. On the writings of architect Page is frequent, abundant and highly qualified. His intellectual capacity allows you to specify transfers of the results of their studies and research quickly and efficiently, with good impact on the social and cultural environment of Alta Gracia, Cordoba, and our country in general. "
impetuously, "says Page," but probably was due to the note published in Journal Contents (12/03/2010) on mistakes of his administration, museum director of the Jesuit Mission Monica Gorgas, an act of utter discrimination and curtailment of freedom of expression, ordered removed from the museum shop books Page, author of no less than El Camino de las Estancias and stay Alta Gracia Jesuit, among many works devoted to the Jesuits and Alta Gracia, Cordoba in particular. Recall that in the case of these two books have made two presentations at the museum with the presence of the highest national and provincial authorities then, more than 10 years. The extent of abuse who was described as "The pattern of placement" specialists in heritage-see Contents 8/8/2008- Journal [1] shall issue presented by the historian censored at the National Institute Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI), plus the start of legal action in these cases lead to damages, economic and moral authority to abuse and other issues.
[1] Note by Susan Chambers and published in the edition of August 8, 2008 the newspaper El Tiempo of Alta Gracia (Córdoba). " The proposed construction of an annex building at the Jesuit Estancia of the city of Alta Gracia, which would go to object repository museological and restoration workshop among other uses, became the target of criticism by little more than a week have been announced. The harshest words were issued by Josefina Piana Provincial Director of Heritage, and Horacio Niemi, Doctor of Architecture, University Professor and Director of Master of Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage National University of Cordoba.
"Unesco not approve "
" The first thing to say is that this project does not have approval from the National Museums and on the other hand, hardly achieved Unesco approval should not forget that this is declared World Heritage sites Humanity, which is a declaration of protection and that the Federal Government has an international commitment to meet, "said Josefina Piana to Add New Summary "There are policies that are designed from Buenos Aires, without knowing the sites. The Jesuit Mission has to maintain green space because there still can be done archaeological research as there may be oldest buildings on earth, "he said. In turn, the officer shot: "A lot of sense do not have to worry about that do not exceed the use of the breakwater or what happens to the church, and is allowed after an intervention of this kind."
stay patterns
"Insert a new architecture in a place like this is a very serious problem that should be resolved with very high quality design from contemporary to be achieved all that he has the other from the history, "said Horacio Niemi daily and added:" We must be careful with the volume of which is incorporated to maintain balance, because each building has its air, its space. " In the opinion of the professor, the construction of the field in question could be underground. "It's a challenge that should be employed at a great designer, but is easier to put boxes of shoes," he joked. Niemi considered that who also should have consulted is the town of Alta Gracia, "because it is the true owner, and not act as patrons to stay, although the city it has ever been." As for dessert strawberry, said she will not consult Unesco and "that it should have, but of course, that countries do serious. Unesco not fight unless governments make a mess, "launched. But he made it that if so, could even think about withdrawing the nomination granted. Silvana Lovay, Director of Heritage of the Municipality not want to advance their views on This topic has information pending official, but said the museum as part of the Node, and should have put the project on the table for discussion. "
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