Thursday, December 30, 2010

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By Sandro Olaza Pallero

Pag e Carlos Alberto was born in Buenos Aires and settled in the province of Cordoba early. studied at the Faculty of Architecture Catholic University of Cordoba, where he graduated in 1985. A turn holds a Ph.D. in History by School of Philosophy, History and Literature of University of Salvador. He was a fellow of Secretariat of Science and Technology National University of Córdoba and CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research), under the directions of the architects Rodolfo Gallardo, Marina Waisman and SJ Alberto de Paula. Today is Career Investigator of CONICET. Abroad was a Fellow of the Foundation Carolina, the Ministry of Culture of Spain and the international agreement between the CONICET and the CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche of Italy). He directed the graduate program "The Jesuit heritage, livelihood, identity and cultural continuity National University of Cordoba ", sponsored by UNESCO.

Dr. Arch Page issued several postgraduate courses, seminars and conferences to master various universities and local and international institutions. He was part of numerous committees such as the creation of the Museum of National University of Cordoba , member of the Commission Revitalization Areas Promoted Historical Center and the city of Cordoba, among others. In the public was director of Cultural Heritage of the Municipality of Cordoba (2000-2002) and director of the Provincial Historical Museum "Marqués de Sobremonte" (2000). He was the author of the dossier submitted to UNESCO for the declaration of World Heritage Square of University and the Jesuit Estancias of Córdoba (2000). Participated in numerous international conferences (Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Colombia and Spain), where among other events of this level, organizer International Congress on 400 years of Company of Jesus in Cordoba (1999), Days The Jesuit Heritage in Cordoba (2002) and X International Conference on the Jesuit Missions (2004), besides being a committee member and coordinator of academic symposia as many scientific meetings. Published over 20 books, some co-authored with Ramon Gutierrez, Marcela and Luis Tognetti Aspell. In addition to more than 200 articles in professional journals and popular in Argentina, Spain, United States, Switzerland, Bolivia, Paraguay, Italy, Brazil and Colombia. Among the early highlights, among others, the Journal de Indias, Revista Complutense American History, Hispania Sacra, and Yearbook of the Museum of America. His book

La Estancia Alta Gracia Jesuit -released in 2000 and reissued in 2004 by Editions Eudecor-is a serious and well documented work and the architect Dr. Alberto de Paula in his foreword said: "The name evokes Alta Gracia Cordoba one of the strongest roots of its identity. It is a city that emerged on the basis of a former rural settlement, nestled in the sixteenth century in a territory of the comechingones ... The network of Jesuit-Cordoba stays as Alta Gracia and others, was similar to that which existed in the Argentine cities where Company said residences, hospices, schools, universities, retreat houses, seminaries and other centers of activity ... The first edition of this book was presented in Alta Gracia on 25 May 2000. I had the honor to refer to that time to this work with Dr. Hugo Juri, who was then Rector of National University of Cordoba. See now in its second edition is a special reason for satisfaction, both for what it means to honor the history of this city and its Jesuit heritage, but also in recognition of its author. I have shared many hours of work with Charles Page, and accompanied him for many years director, in the early stages of CONICET research assistant, until his promotion to research associate, and doctorate in history at the University of Salvador, created by Company of Jesus in Buenos Aires. On the writings of architect Page is frequent, abundant and highly qualified. His intellectual capacity allows you to specify transfers of the results of their studies and research quickly and efficiently, with good impact on the social and cultural environment of Alta Gracia, Cordoba, and our country in general. "

impetuously, "says Page," but probably was due to the note published in Journal Contents (12/03/2010) on mistakes of his administration, museum director of the Jesuit Mission Monica Gorgas, an act of utter discrimination and curtailment of freedom of expression, ordered removed from the museum shop books Page, author of no less than El Camino de las Estancias and stay Alta Gracia Jesuit, among many works devoted to the Jesuits and Alta Gracia, Cordoba in particular. Recall that in the case of these two books have made two presentations at the museum with the presence of the highest national and provincial authorities then, more than 10 years. The extent of abuse who was described as "The pattern of placement" specialists in heritage-see Contents 8/8/2008- Journal [1] shall issue presented by the historian censored at the National Institute Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI), plus the start of legal action in these cases lead to damages, economic and moral authority to abuse and other issues.

[1] Note by Susan Chambers and published in the edition of August 8, 2008 the newspaper El Tiempo of Alta Gracia (Córdoba). " The proposed construction of an annex building at the Jesuit Estancia of the city of Alta Gracia, which would go to object repository museological and restoration workshop among other uses, became the target of criticism by little more than a week have been announced. The harshest words were issued by Josefina Piana Provincial Director of Heritage, and Horacio Niemi, Doctor of Architecture, University Professor and Director of Master of Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage National University of Cordoba.

"Unesco not approve "

" The first thing to say is that this project does not have approval from the National Museums and on the other hand, hardly achieved Unesco approval should not forget that this is declared World Heritage sites Humanity, which is a declaration of protection and that the Federal Government has an international commitment to meet, "said Josefina Piana to Add New Summary "There are policies that are designed from Buenos Aires, without knowing the sites. The Jesuit Mission has to maintain green space because there still can be done archaeological research as there may be oldest buildings on earth, "he said. In turn, the officer shot: "A lot of sense do not have to worry about that do not exceed the use of the breakwater or what happens to the church, and is allowed after an intervention of this kind."

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"Insert a new architecture in a place like this is a very serious problem that should be resolved with very high quality design from contemporary to be achieved all that he has the other from the history, "said Horacio Niemi daily and added:" We must be careful with the volume of which is incorporated to maintain balance, because each building has its air, its space. " In the opinion of the professor, the construction of the field in question could be underground. "It's a challenge that should be employed at a great designer, but is easier to put boxes of shoes," he joked. Niemi considered that who also should have consulted is the town of Alta Gracia, "because it is the true owner, and not act as patrons to stay, although the city it has ever been." As for dessert strawberry, said she will not consult Unesco and "that it should have, but of course, that countries do serious. Unesco not fight unless governments make a mess, "launched. But he made it that if so, could even think about withdrawing the nomination granted. Silvana Lovay, Director of Heritage of the Municipality not want to advance their views on This topic has information pending official, but said the museum as part of the Node, and should have put the project on the table for discussion. "

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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Manuel Dorrego. Juan Lavalle.

For Mr. Paul A. Vázquez

Navarro. Province of Buenos Aires Estancia Juan Almeyra. Gen. Juan Lavalle said Governor Manuel Dorrego, who was deposed by him in one hour would be executed. The firing squad prepares ...

On December 13, 1828 a life spent in minutes for your mind. As revolutionary ideals promoted in Chile and realistic attempts thwarted in Santiago, granting the medal: "Chile to its first defender." Their incorporation into the Northern Army. Their struggles in Sausana, Suipacha and Nazareth, where a shooting left him hoarse for ever ... His tenacity that drove the victories Tucuman and Salta, where General Manuel Belgrano was ordered: "Proceed with the hunters and take forward their enemies."

sparkling humor and also his sharp sarcasm that caused more problems. With Juan Martín de Pueyrredón general, for example, denounced by his silent complicity with the Brazilian invasion the Banda Oriental, and did not remember in any battle. That earned him his exile in the United States, which helped him to immerse themselves in the federal principles but adapted to national circumstances.

Also, in 1820 he was appointed governor of the province of Buenos Aires, but 7 years later it will be by popular vote, and when in 1823 he began his legislative career. His encounter the Liberator Simon Bolivar to join forces in Latin.

José María Rosa stated: "On September 25, 1826 at the Congress is Article 6 of the draft constitution prepared by the majority. In its 6 th paragraph is removed the voting rights at the "home for pay, laborer, soldier, tried in a criminal case that can be afflictive or infamous punishment." (...) Asked Manuel Dorrego word (...) and the finger of blame directed at the majority (said): If you exclude day laborers, domestic workers; who would? Would be a small number of merchants and capitalists. Here are the aristocracy of money, and if so in turn could be the fate of the country and market ... then yes it would be easier to influence the elections because it is easier to influence the generality of the mass, but if it is in a small portion of capitalists. And in that case ... let's be clear: that the elections will form the Bank. "

With allegation that sealed his commitment to workers and generated the enmity of the organic intellectuals of Unitarianism, and Valentín Gómez, Salvador Maria del Carril, Juan Cruz and Florencio Varela. His pen met them at The Tribune from 11 October this year until August 7, 1827.

assumed to day the government of Buenos Aires, Rivadavia after he "threw" the government. Deletes cam extends the frontier, signing peace with Brazil, he founded the Military Academy and several schools, sanitation, currency, freedom of the press organizes ...

A coup in the hands of the deposed Lavalle. Rail insist Varela and Lavalle, "a sword without a head" to kill him. "Cut the head of the Hydra ." Dorrego accepted his fate, wrote letters to his family and friends. As Governor Estanislao López de Santa Fe, saying: "At this moment Urging me to die in an hour. I do not know the cause of my death, but anyway I forgive my persecutors. You cease all preparations for my part, and that my death does not lead to bloodshed. "

Dorrego's life went out ... Well I wrote Fred O 'Donnell "in Navarro began a tradition of coups and political violence that continues to this day, carried out mainly against those who have or may have popular support, he makes them real or potential enemies power shift. "

The first colonel of the people was a stubborn patriot, soldier of independence journalist and activist in the American cause. His memory is alive today if there is outrage at the injustices and the national passion.

- Bardini, Roberto, Manuel Dorrego : He was an apostle, lived as a hero and died a martyr at: 10/dorrego-fue-apostol-vivio-como-heroe-y-murio-como-martir /

- Brienz, Daniel, The crazy Dorrego, the latest revolutionary , Bs As, Marea, 2007 .

- DENOVI, Oscar Cause Dorrego's murder at: =% 2Fdenovi% 2F0014_la_causa_del_asesinato_de_dorrego.html

- Dorrego, Manuel, Osvaldo Guglielmino Introduction), Civilization and Barbarism , Bs As, Castañeda, 1980.

- O 'DONNELL, Pacho, damn heroes, the history of Argentina that did not tell us , Bs As, Sudamericana, 2004.

- PINC, Martin, (pseudonym of José María Rosa), Dorrego against the oligarchy, Bs As, The Press, Second Section, December 16, 1951.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mana'o 'ehia Au Aloha 'olua ?


By Dr. Oscar JC Denovi

Following the tribute paid to the Vuelta de Obligado 20 / 11/2010, Article of the playwright, historian and writer Pacho O'Donnell, "An epic long hidden" and the historian and researcher at the CONICET Luis Alberto Romero that he opposed the first article "Turning defeat into victory" , published in the journal The Nation November 18, there have been contributions that enrich the debate initiated by previous historians. On December 6, third in the controversial British historian David Rock, with his article "The other Vuelta de Obligado" in the newspaper La Nacion on that day. Rock enlisted in the liberal mainstream of the history of Argentina, which specializes in the political history of our country, says in the first sections that the decade following 1840, is named in his country, "the hungry forties" ... causing "internal economic pressures that provoke various imperialist adventures abroad, among others, the infamous opium wars against the Chinese empire and intervention of 1845 in the Río de la Plata. "Important historical recognition that, on an act which in the past, when it recognized the intervention, came to say that the intervening powers did so for humanitarian reasons against the supposed tyranny of Juan Manuel de Rosas. According to the English author, his country took part in the Rio de la Plata in 1845, in an imperialist adventure. It is not new for us nationalists, it is for liberals who supported the more unusual versions of the facts of the War of 1845-1846 Paraná.
To Rock, the Battle of Vuelta de Obligado was an almost forgotten event in France and England and compute in this view, a balance of European losses of 25, versus "possibly up to a thousand Argentine" and adds, "the battle reminiscent of typical imperialist episodes in India and Africa, where for every person killed died fifty European natives. " First this was not true, our losses were just over six hundred dead, and the ranks of the enemy body count reached 150 dead and wounded. But this argument served to Rock for denying the epic that O'Donnell gave battle, and states that such a rating could fall, according to the British assessment, at an event "as the first half hour of the battle of the Somme, 1 July 1916, in which during that period fell sixty thousand troops against English German machine guns. "
At this point the English author escapes the context of the history of warfare in Argentina. Never occurred in our nation war events on the scale of those that occurred in Europe or in Asia or North America or Africa. This includes everything from the British invasion of 1806, until the Falklands war in 1982, through the war of independence, civil wars, the largest land battle in Argentina, Caseros, with over twenty thousand men apiece, and the War of the Triple Alliance and the intervention Argentina in the Paraguayan War - Bolivian, and the struggle of the Chilean army against the Indians in 1878. The confrontation of forces at that point the river Paraná, Vuelta de Obligado, was an epic, as the disparity of technical means - guns firing explosive striated with a projectile weight that reached up to 80 pounds (approximately 40 Kg) against guns cast iron ball shot, of at most 12 kgs, and more than 120 guns against just 40, made an overwhelming difference in fire, despite the struggle which lasted over nine hours. (1)
As in the two faces of Janus, a professor at the University of California, intends to see the other side of the battle, and among other arguments - colonial confrontation with countless casualties of the "natives" and just a few of the inspectors - the imperialist slaughter of African or Asian style - uses the defeat of Argentina. Undeniably, it could not impede the progress of the fleet up the river, the disparity in strength in technical resources caused a great loss of men in the Argentine forces face a significantly lower number of European crews. But Bound was the first chapter of what happened next. It was a piece in the puzzle, whose total armed, war of Paraná, showed the result of peace agreements and Arana Arana-Southern-Le Predour, for which both England and France recognized the inner nature of Argentina's Paraná River, amends the National flag with 21 guns, and pledged to return the captured ships and repair damaged facilities in acts of war, which they did, England in 1848 and France in 1849.
From the point of view of this overall view of that historic event, Bound was the first major action of that war, followed by smaller stocks and great as the first, (these were Cooper, Acevedo, San Lorenzo, and final battle of the Quebracho Angostura, in all prolonged exchanges of artillery, which in the last battle, was clearly a victory for Argentina in which the fleet took heavy punishment and 7 merchant ships were burned and sunk.) These facts were recognized by the official reports of the fleet chief Admiral Anglo French.
is curious as a historian, professor in the United States in a hierarchy University of California, unaware of data showing that the race will undoubtedly disadvantageous to Argentina, however it was not completely in the ground war, and this was forcing it to start the diplomatic negotiations that led to peace. To the above is also the risk faced by the fleet from falling into the hands of the troops that operated against entrerrianas correntinas the orders of General Peace, who were allied of the controllers. The War of the Paraná, was actually an aspect of something larger than was the war of conservation of Argentina's sovereignty over the territory of the Argentine coast.
On the basis of his argument that disregards the data documented in this story, a way to bolster their anti-nationalist position knowingly, Rock notes that none of the authors that led to his speech - (the relief requested by the liberal?) - Is refer to the background of the inspectors in 1845. The French were actually concentrated in Montevideo. But Rock is not saying that their presence was because in October 1837 with the help of the French fleet unexpectedly present in the River de la Plata, Uruguay's government of Oribe was forced to leave in the hands of Bank Fructuoso the government of his country. Fructuoso Rivera had allied with the unit that Lavalle opposed the Argentine government and plotting his overthrow. At the same time, the French supported the expansive plans Mariscal Santa Cruz, president of the Confederation of Peruvian - Bolivian Confederation war with Argentina. The French money would allow for long years the armies operating unit against the Confederacy, and would support the Uruguayan government in Montevideo during the siege of this city, between 1842 and 1851, when the Great Army, Oribe Urquiza to capitulate.
This intervention on issues of Uruguay, and the alliance with the unit, led to the conflict remained with France in 1838 and completed in October 1840 with the peace treaty between Spain and France, known as a convention Arana - Mackau that date . This convention was signed by Marshal COULD intervention, who in early 1839 took over the section of the Foreign Ministry of France, that understood the conflict with Argentina. He was committed to early 1839, the transfer of six thousand foot French to intervene in fighting between unitary and federal. Marshal Soult warning the deceptions of the French agents to his government, and the lies of the unit and the Uruguayan allied to these, prevented the interventionist adventure. Since then, the French presence was steady against the Argentine government. Samuel Lafon, who profited from the revenue of Customs of Montevideo, ceded to their benefit by the government of Montevideo, the only stronghold unit in the territory east of the River Plate since 1842, was an important piece of business to confront the government lifted Argentina.
is true that in the posterior development of Argentine foreign trade England was a major actor. But the blonde Albion was an important player in world trade, Argentina could not escape the phenomenon of globalization of trade without getting out of the economic and financial rotation that dominated the world he belonged. In short, had defended its sovereignty with the dignity with which pretend to do today and tomorrow, whose symbol is the Vuelta de Obligado.

(1) Parts of general officers Lucio N. Mansilla, Rear Admiral Inglefield to the Admiralty and other reports, published in London and reproduced by the Gazeta Mercantil on May 30, 1846.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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December 6, 1829: The legislature of Buenos Aires, in a climate of lawlessness and internal military occupation by an army unit, elected Governor Juan Manuel de Rosas in Buenos Aires, giving Powers (legislative powers. could issue decree-laws).
January 4, 1831: Federal Pact Signing first constitutional agreement signed by all provinces which causes the Confederation Argentina.
February 2, 1831: Parliament in the Chacarita the College with the Principal Chiefs of the Province of Buenos Aires. First implementation of the smallpox vaccine.
February 3, 1831: Quiroga campaign against the army unit.
November 4, 1831: Quiroga Lamadrid beat the Citadel (Tucumán) ending unit military resistance.
May 16, 1832: The Royal Society of London Jennesiana Rosas honored as an honorary member of the same for services rendered to humanity by the introduction of smallpox vaccine in the Indian world.
December 6, 1832: concludes the first government of Rosas and the Legislature re-elected three times Rosas rejects the three offers.

Desert Expedition

March 22, 1833: Rosas started from San Miguel del Monte, without government support, the expedition to the south.
April 3, 1833: issue is incorporated Catriel pampas chiefs, Cachul, Llanquellen, caciquillos, Nicasio, Antuan over three hundred Indian warriors.
May 1, 1833: The expedition reaches Fortress Protective Argentina (now Delhi).
May 10, 1833: The expedition reaches the Colorado River and established his headquarters in Redondo Medano on the banks of this river. Sent several divisions to beat especially in Choele Chocori Pehuenche-Choel. Are treated with Tehuelche Valcheta and vorogas of Guaminí. It takes the "path of the Chileans," avoiding the cattle rustling cattle to Chile. Released more than three thousand people, mostly women living in captivity.
March 25, 1834: Rosas leave the troops in Bahía Blanca (Napostá).

Impact of Desert Expedition:

· It gained immense tracts of land that joined the production.
· We recognized their own spaces to different indigenous communities, grasslands, and tehuelches vorogas.
· We held 'the Chilean way of' avoiding finance cattle rustling to Chile.
· We released over 3,000 prisoners, mostly women who were returned to their families.
· It undermined the big raids and established conditions for peace in rural areas.
· It is founded or consolidated with the assistance of the Indians themselves forts that will future cities in the provinces of Buenos Aires and Rio Black.
· We introduced the smallpox vaccine in many Aboriginal groups.
. Consolidated national sovereignty, reaffirming the territorial rights in Argentina.


March 7, 1835: The Board of Representatives (the legislature) appointed Rosas for the second time as Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires and Commissioner for External Relations, with the sum of public power (Adding to the power of legislative competence to create special courts for exceptional cases. Example: court which tried the murderers of Facundo Quiroga).
March 16, 1835: Rosas requests the Board to convene the people for their vote to rule on the powers that be will want to confer.
26, 27 and March 28, 1835: Plebiscite . The Board of Representatives calls for the inhabitants of Buenos Aires so that through a plebiscite to rule on the amount of power that he wants to bestow. The figures cast 9,713 votes for and only 7 were negative.


November 18, 1835: Punishment of the Customs Act. Objectives: Creole defense manufacturing and delivery of agricultural wealth.
May 10, 1836: Enactment of the Agrarian Law. End of the lease Rivadavia and effective colonization of land by small and medium landowners.
May 30, 1836: Dissolution of the National Bank and creation of the Casa de la Moneda, home of the Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.

Cultural Aspects:

June 25, 1837: Inauguration Literary Hall with speeches from Mark Taylor, John B. And John M. Alberdi Gutiérrez.
November 15, 1837: is Launched "La Moda", Gazette music, poetry and fashion written by John B. Alberdi.
May 24, 1838: Opening of the Teatro "From Victoria, room 500 locations.
May 16, 1840: The government of Buenos Aires provides for the prohibition of the slave trade.
1842: College opens its doors Federal Republican.
1843: daguerreotype is introduced in Buenos Aires.
October 18, 1844: opens another theater called "good order." Room 300 seats. You can open up other major theaters and circuses large operation with stable amphitheaters such as the "Park Argentino" and "Garden Florida ', "Retreat" and the "Low."

Political Aspects:

Implementation of the murderers of Quiroga

October 9, 1836: After trial, Quiroga's murderers are sentenced to capital punishment to be met at the Plaza Fort on October 26, 1836.

French Aggression 1838-1840

March 28, 1838: French Blockade Argentina Confederation.
A manager of the French Consulate restraining make claims without having to do personaría diplomatic hierarchy. Denied representation, an admiral at the head of a French fleet down the block to the Rio de la Plata.
April 3, 1838: Rosas rejects and denounces international blockade colonialist aggression.
August 5, 1838: First letter San Martín Rosas, adhering to the defense of sovereignty.

or external actions to overthrow Rosas Inteman:

April to July 1839: Lock and French ships to attack targets on the Argentine coast. French landing project. Lavalle invasion led by the French fleet from Uruguay.
June 8, 1839: Buchet de Martigny, diplomat French, presents the sum of 100,000 patacones the exiles unit to finance the issuance of Lavalle and overthrow Rosas.
June 28, 1839: Lt. Col. Ramon Maza, who is in combination with the invasion of Lavalle, is caught in the conspiracy and executed, Federal exalted meeting an action group called the "Ear" kill the father of Colonel Mace.
October 29, 1839: The farmers of the south, believing imminent French aid and Lavalle, rise against Rosas.
November 7, 1839: Prudencio Ortiz de Rozas y Nicolás Granada suppress the uprising of the ranchers. Many escape in French boats stationed at the mouth of the Tu-yu and the Rio Salado.
September 6, 1840: Lavalle, without the support of the campaign and the interior provinces, resolved to withdraw to the north and is finally defeated at the Battle of Famaillá (Tucumán) in September 1842 by the army Vanguardia Argentina Confederation, led by Manuel Oribe East.
October 29, 1840: France lift the embargo and accept the conditions imposed by Rosas, Arana-signing the treaty Mackau. Diplomatic triumph of the Confederation of Argentina.
September 27, 1841: Dr. Francisco Gavin Muñiz manufactured at the Villa Lujan smallpox vaccine.
December 29, 1841: Signed an agreement Fructuoso Rivera and mutual help Bento Goncalves. Between the eastern and Rio Grande do Sul encourage a project of "Federation of Uruguay" to be composed of Rio Grande, Uruguay, Entre Rios and Corrientes.
March 10, 1842: Manuel Moreno London presents a well-founded claim and affirmation of our sovereignty in the Falklands.
February 16, 1843: Oribe, legal president of Uruguay in front of the Army of the Confederacy Vanguardia Argentina, laid siege to Montevideo.
August 11, 1843: Florencio Varela is designated Eastern government and exiles in Montevideo unit to travel to Europe and manage the armed intervention of England and France to overthrow Rosas.
January 23, 1844: San Martín wrote his will bequeathed his sword to Juan Manuel de Rosas.

puts Anglo-French fleet blocking the Argentine coast. Simultaneously, a pirate named Garibaldi Italian coastal looting and burning.

Objectives of the Anglo-French intervention

ensure the independence of the Banda Oriental and Paraguay. Internationalizing
waterways Plata Basin for free trade of European manufactures. Wean
Entre Rios and Corrientes.

November 1, 1845: The Anglo-French squad enters the river Paraná.
November 20, 1845: At 8 hours the battle begins in the Vuelta de Obligado (near San Pedro, Province of Buenos Aires).
At 16 hours the last battery Argentina (there were four) fired the latest salvo. After clashes with Corps landing at 20 hours and no answer Obligado.
January 11, 1846: San Martín, in another letter to Rosas, he expresses his confidence in the ultimate triumph.
June 4, 1846: Returning the fleet Anglo-French and merchant ships were attacked in different places in a persistent and, at one point called the Paraná River Quebracho, they receive an attack that produced serious casualties.
August 26, 1846: Foreign ships returning to Montevideo gamblers convinced of economic failure and military invasion.
1847-1848: Rosas not accept the proposals of the various diplomatic negotiators to arrive at the Río de la Plata.
November 24, 1849: The British ambassador Southern finally accepts the conditions of Rosas and signed peace with Britain. Argentina's sovereignty has triumphed.
May 6 1850: Last letter José de San Martín Rosas in which he states: "As an Argentine, fills me with great pride in seeing the prosperity, inner peace, order and honor restored to our beloved country, and all these developments made under circumstances so difficult that few states have found. For many goods made me sincerely congratulate you and to all the Confederación Argentina. Let you enjoy full health and at the end of his public life is just filled with the recognition of all Argentine, are the votes he does and will always for you, that his passionate friend and compatriot. QBSM José de San Martín. "
August 31, 1850: French Ambassador LePredour accepts the conditions of Roses and Peace was signed with France. Argentina's sovereignty has been strengthened.
September 30, 1850: rupture of relations with Brazil Brazil to constant invasions of Banda Oriental.
May 1, 1851 pronounce Urquiza, removing the charge of external relations Rosas.
May 29, 1851: Urquiza signed the first union pact with Brazil.
November 21, 1851: Urquiza signing the second treaty of alliance with Brazil.

February 3, 1852: Battle of Caseros . The army of the Confederacy composed of 22,000 troops led by Argentine Rosas is defeated by the army led by Urquiza, composed of 28,000 personnel, from Corrientes, Entre Rios, Uruguayan, Brazilian and German mercenaries recruited in Europe.


· It incorporates the steam engine in the economic and industrial activity.
· Installation of the first hydraulic presses.
· Implementation of the first artesian wells. • Development
important traditional and industrial character, soap factories, candy, ceramics, shipyards, foundries, wine, sugar, woodwork, textiles.
· Full occupation.
· High wages and good living.
· Incorporation of the fence.
• Introduction of fine wheat seed "Barletta."
• Introduction of merino sheep and the first bull durham.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

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Mr. Antonio Testa vice president of Paraguay with Dr. Franco Gomez, Colonel. Elbio Flores Servin and Mrs. Down Mr. Testa with Paraguayan Vice President and Governor Colombi.

On October 15, 2010 in the city of Corrientes, within the work being done by the Historical Research Group Our Lady of Mercy dependent on this National Institute, its president, Mr. Antonio Testa next to Vice President of Paraguay, Dr. Luis Federico Franco Gomez and Corrientes president Dr. Ricardo Colombi , left sitting firmly committed to work together for the development of Argentina, Paraguay, signing various instruments that ensure progress towards the twinning process as desired. Among the deals stands a tribute to the courage of children Pedro Rios, "Tamborcito" of Tacuarí, who will dedicate a monument at the site of the historic battle of Tacuarí, in Carmen de Paraná (Paraguay). 9.15 At the time, visitors escorted by the provincial authorities made their entrance to Government House where they were received by the Honor Guard Corps Correntinos Hunters, the fanfares are executed by the Band of Music Police Corrientes. Then went to the official release of the Government Palace, where they shook in the embrace of brotherhood with the governor of Corrientes and local authorities who took part in the reception committee, and under which there was no shortage, as is style, exchange of presents, as a sign of integration and cooperation. Also present at this ceremony the former military attache at the Embassy of Paraguay, Colonel Elbio Flores Servin.