Sunday, December 7, 2008

How Long Ringworm Heal

History of Bar-le-Duc

prumeros The human traces of occupation back to the era Gallo-Roman. Several findings have been made in the territory of the municipality, the street outside the current of the Romans (along the Canal). The city was named after caturiges.

Bar Le Duc Named in reference to the Dukes of Lorraine, is the capital of cash, after the duchy of Bar (circa 1356 ). The castle dominates the lower city.

The sixteenth century to Bar Le Duc is an auspicious period pulling out of general economic renewal and participates in this great power which is the Renaissance. The Duke Charles III he built "le neuf-chatel" where is today the Museum Barrois. Gilles de Treves Canon will make the school building at the foot of the castle. In 1766 Bar Le Duc was annexed to France with the entire duchy. The city is Entença transformations: three major boulevards are drawn, a place p or PUBLIC (Put reggio) is disposed. The city takes ek name of Bar-sur-Ornain during the revolution and is the provincial capital of the département.

1851 Since the city is served by rail via Paris-Stasbourg and the Marne canal to Reno. Comes on the textile industry as well as later cervecerias.En metallurgy and 1861, a resident bar, Pierre Michaux, invented, with his son Ernest, the velocipede pedal.

The city of the Dukes had a strategic role at the time of World War , the starting point of the sacred way to Verdun. Duespués of the Second World War, Bar Le Duc takes the form of a major peripheral urbanization, particularly on the Mountain of Santa Catarina.

Classification in 1973 of the upper town and the castle as 'landmark' demonstrates the exceptional richness of local heritage and the need for revaluation.

What is the history of your city? How is your school?



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