Friday, October 29, 2010

How Long Does A Portable Fire Exting

Monday, October 25, 2010

Itchy Skin Stomach Pain


By Jorge Sulé


nautical technology

The old galley was propelled mainly by rowers. The triremes, cuatrirremes or more, were propelled by convicts managed to whip overseers. The square sails only put the wind blowing astern, nothing worth when the wind came forward or sideways. Navigation starts to gain momentum for the incorporation of elements themes from the eighteenth century. First triangular sail is appearing to be altering or displacing the square and triangular sails such calls Latinas, can take the wind from an angle of ninety degrees. The wind begins to be leveraged from blowing from the stern or bow. The spacecraft, but advances also zigzag headwind. Also from s. XVIII introduces the helm can do without oars or sculls side who ran the ship. The rudder and rudder can take the wind at 120 degrees. It also incorporates a compass, simple equilibrium of the magnetic needle on the other it would rotate. But the compass alone is not enough to jump into the open sea, they know the course does not mean knowing the position as the winds and currents derived from the boat so it was necessary to implement other elements known since antiquity, the astrolabe, created by Ptolemy in the second century compass rests upon a graduated dial and allowed to know the height of the pole star or sun on the horizon: the modification or practical application of the astrolabe to the sailors was the ballestita, indent that slid into a graduated arm as a bow string. Tables also measure the distance from the sun to Ecuador in different latitudes and seasons are important in this revolution shipping between the XIII and XV century. At the end of the century XV and tables were correct Abraham Zacuto, a professor of astronomy at Salamanca. Portulans or sea chart "where costs are identified and drawn doing his distance. Nautical revolution is completed with the caravel, possibly born on the English coast of Cantabria, ship side and respectable high-displacement between one hundred and two hundred tons-propelled exclusively Latino and square sails on three masts supported a long bowsprit. A mid-fifteenth century and the conditions are techniques to venture into the Ocean Sea.

cultural manifestations

Spain had incorporated into its culture, important elements of Arabic culture and even designed throughout Europe. College life, for example, was born in Arab countries and came to Europe through Spain. English was the first university of Palencia, founded before 1200 by Alfonso IX, before the Paris created by Philippe Auguste. Salamanca would follow with which later merged. We continue that of Valladolid, Lleida, Huesca, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bValencia, Zaragoza, Osuna, Sigüenza, Avila and Toledo, founded in 1490 at the time of discovery of America. Eleven universities where he taught all human knowledge of the time. In 1492 the first Grammar Nebrija writes Peter Martyr teaches Humanities at the Court of Kings and writes the Letters and later Orbe Novo, dedicated to the world of Columbus. For his work emphasizes humanistic Luis Vives. In literature, Juan de Encina based English drama with the Eclogues. Fernando de Rojas La Celestina and published since 1482 circulates Amadis de García Ordóñez de Montalvo contributed not a little adventure to urge men to the conquest. In architecture, the builders built palaces and cathedrals adorn the splendid Gothic Mudejar amalgam. Anonymous carvers work fine in seating altarpieces and staircases in cathedrals and blacksmiths and artisans working the bars, crosses and chalices of their altars and chapels. In times of wealth, splendor and peace, conducive to the arts and expression of an inner impulse.

political situation

Spain was at the time of discovery of America the leading nation in Europe. In 1469 married in Valladolid Isabel of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon. This fateful meeting as soon be holding two crowns, seal the English unit. Will the Catholic kings of Castile, Leon, Aragon, Valencia and Catalonia on the peninsula, Baleares, Sardinia and Sicily in the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic. Spain came to the unit while Germany had to recover from the anarchy which fell after the last Hohenstaufen Emperor. The imperial crown encircled by Frederick of Austria May not be represented in the mosaic of large and small duchies, counties and free cities formed in what was once the powerful Holy Roman Empire of Frederick Barbarossa. In France, the young Charles VIII continued to drive the work begun by his father Louis XI, buying the necessary goodwill English with Roussillon and Sardinia. In England still hear the echoes of the War of the Roses. Mediterranean cities, once so powerful, it was a ghost of its former greatness: Venice hesitated to attack the Ottomans and Genoa lost its independence. On this dying medieval Europe, stood the first power in Spain, the first nation to reach the national unity. It was undisputed master of Europe, a English, Valencian Rodrigo de Borja which the Italians called Borgia, papal tiara encircled with the name of Alexander VI, a English and a relative of Ferdinand of Aragon, Ferdinand of Naples, ruled the monarchy of Italy south. Completed the conquest of Granada hegemony: the February 3, 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella entered the city Boadbil and gave order to the last Moorish kingdom on the peninsula. Spain was in his prime.


The English soul

long war of reconquest is the English soul, especially the spirit of the Spaniards in whom rests the main weight. This long war of seven centuries against the invading Moors has developed in the English of all classes or estates certain virtues that are closer to the values \u200b\u200bsoldiers that market values. The courage, faith, nobility, virtues are widespread in the English people. Furthermore, as theirs was a holy war without tolerances, the other value embedded in the English soul is religion, religion belligerent without tolerances and expansive. English was a warrior, horseman, knight or pawn commoner, always a soldier. We were all: nobles, artisans, peasants, merchants and even priests. Ue unusual for a cleric dragged into the cloister for the love of study and meditation leave gird the sword if the need came, "I also had blood in his veins." Nor the craftsman's skilled hands leather tanning and overlap steel or poems jester measured and harmonious, left to fight if need be. El Greco and Cervantes managing to express that soul in his characters. The painter understood as neither the spirit of the nobles of Toledo with his ascetic face and eyes burned with fanaticism, or beggars who seem to rise to vibrations of flames in their long, pendulous, unreal figures this whole Toledo, ie the soul of Castile in its noblest expression. And the figure of Don Quixote wanders through the Channel righting wrongs and looking like an empire always delayed reward, not rule the fighting giants or entire armies left image Castilian writer who made the tremendous task of conquering America. Upon completing the Reconquista, the American view, that is, drawn back another curtain sighting a new horizon where the English have the opportunity to continue living in epic and military.


sociological asynchronies

designed features above are not sufficiently explanatory in shaping Latin America. It is necessary to explain some transformations taking place in the people to settle in geographical areas with disparate levels of civilization. Traffic is not just a horizontal linear transport in which the interaction is reduced to a mere transplantation; peoples old historically for its civilization but vigorous, to historically disadvantaged youth space structures, operating in the newcomer an automatic rejuvenation. You're falling down part of its cultural facilities, successive veils that cover their inner nature. The new medium does not require the subtle psychological structures, the elaborate constructions customary processing previous behavior. That comes in English a collective sacred stripping, stale habits, behavior and sound repeated, returning to basic feelings of youthful petulance, arrogance and aggressiveness of nature, expressing a daring and rapacious in their environment had not shown. Man retains his cunning and vigor and civilization key skills and superior cultural values \u200b\u200bthat come to survive and endure dominant in the match. But certainly operating in the new players, a return to a primitive, a sense of relief and lightening in behavior and assimilation resulted in a plethora of nature that surrounds it. His identification with the environment will be an almost immediate. This transformation and the environment translates into a strong attachment to the new forms of life, largely free of certain heaviness of the original culture, hence it expresses at once a surprise starter patriotism Separatists in which segregation is already announcing final.


If English
ceases to be such by the influence of the environment and for the reasons of asynchronism sociological pointed out, America will cease to be what it was for come presence. Latin America is appearing. In this merger also helps multiple needs arising from the coexistence of English and Aboriginal: First, the urgent need to understand the language, after the exchange of food and labor relations, then relations will which legal rules a common life project. Simultaneously, institutional structures to impose an order under the circumstances and from the beginning, sex for mating with the Indian women as the English brought them no beginning and no racial discrimination practiced. All this wealth of human interactions is canceling a relationship and taking a final anchorage as well as will promote ethnic and cultural melting imperceptibly in the course of the first century and has become well-defined characteristics: the English American. The crash, resolved in new fruit begins to unfold its original potential. On the predominance of religion and language survival and certain structures that are in a higher stage of development of civilization, customs, clothing, meals, entertainment, superstitions, art forms, etc., are expressions where the process of acculturation or inculturation end to integrate into cultural homogenization and profiled in the late sixteenth and finally consolidated in the following. From the poetic and literary expression to the most basic forms of life observed a consistent popular Latin American and originality in their expressions which is recognized by historians of any signs and marked with admiration by historians or travelers other latitudes. One Hispanic, Creoles who do not feel undermined by the land they live, the language spoken by the race they belong, by God we pray. This does not mean following the Fermín Chávez thought that those natives were always consistent with its political system, but his loyalty to America is complete. We are talking about Hispanic culture, a genuine and harmonious expression of the quake arrived with the middle and expressing a consensual and loving bond between man and his environment which has been fully integrated. It will be much later, continuing the thought of Fermin Chavez, who will confront our people, the Enlightenment and liberalism triumphant, doubts and concerns about their civilization and culture. But we are still far from such prosecution, misleading slogan raised by the "civilization and barbarism" that will lead to inferiority complexes and Maneas still hamper our development. By contrast, Latin American culture revolved confident and absolute stability of your correspondence with the environment, without caveats or escapes kidnappers. For example, language and Hispanic-American voices then tried and succeeded in grasping the new reality around him, more than 3,500 words in circulation, express a language rich in force for three centuries. This was made possible by the richness of the language of Cervantes to project, but environmental assuming new forms. Fruitful permeability, which allowed the penetration of Aboriginal voices and Creole, was leaving a slow sedimentation resulting in new resonances and expressive intonation. Voices like pitch, mat, brush, che, Makkan, handsome, corn, headband and gorged, butchering Friendly, apiarse, troop, aquerenciara and hundreds of new expressions, a language enriched by the need to designate attitudes or problems with our original, phenomena sociocultural unpublished, which requires its onomatopoeic linguistic articulation and came without artifice affectation or strangers. This did not prevent that lasted Castilian, old voices archaic as "agora", "fierce", "auction", "whip", "Ansina", "scrip", "arugula" and hundreds more as used in rural and urban . The same is true of artistic expression. Most of our dances and folk music from Spain but are modified by the influence of American geography. The vitality of the Northwest is one of the survivors artistic traces executed by the flute, flute pentatonic an exquisite sensitivity. We note, however, that these compositions are subject to the bars of 3 / 4 and 6 / 8, metric English. This interference and finally conjugation coincides with that use native Northwest also did the triple or small viola, drawing on the shell of the armadillo as a box. Is there a predisposition to support the instruments are not the raucous, sentimental, and amending the frenzy of the English jota and the sensuality of flamenco dance and sentimental grace of our chacarera suggestive swaying, samba or cat. So awkward clatter of castanets is turned to the delicate and elegant fingers chattering. Lugones, in his superb investigative tracing of our cultural origins, comes to say that while our dances from Spain, its transformation into the average American care about a regression, a jump to the early Greek sources whose landscape similar to our reality bucolic give us the miracle of transmutation similar expressions for similar situations in accordance . The minstrel song, a kind of musical poetry contest between two cowboys who struggle with their viguela in the formulation of philosophical questions about life, love and destiny. Reminds you street competitions English and Provencal troubadours in turn project the Greek minstrels. The fair in verse or payadas have the same development and the same old issues that the pastoral Greco-Roman-English. Here is the umbilical cord of a cultural lineage to be proud of. Zambra samba comes from, party Moorish, Arabic-English origin, but is reminiscent of Greece in the separation of the couple, in mimicry of tissues in the plasticity of the figure that you were able to give the delicacy of our women and bearing of our men. That's how fruitful tendrils of ancient civilizations cultural saps are racked to wet our land. In the fertile Pampas, in the pebbles of our mountains, our virginity Mountaineer creeks, are again the perfect setting for recreation miraculous.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Can Valerian Root Hurt My Cat




Dr. Maria Elena Barral

Dr. Cristina Gomez Giusto

Wednesday 20 October - from 15.30 to 19hs.